Sunday, December 29, 2019

Key Ways for Boomers to Land a Flexible Job That Fits Your Life

Key Ways for Boomers to Land a Flexible Job That Fits Your LifeKey Ways for Boomers to Land a Flexible Job That Fits Your Life4Flexible work is attractive to people for a number of different reasons, whether its having a flexible schedule, working from home, or working part-time instead of full-time. But those reasons may vary depending on your generation, according to a recent survey from of over 3,000 people interested in flexible work.When comparing respondents who identified as baby boomers or the silent generation versus those who said they were millennials, there were some notable points of differentiation.Different Reasons Generations Value Flexible WorkWhen asked why they value work flexibility, boomers and silent generation respondents were much more likely than millennials to identify as caregivers for another loved one, to have chronic physical issues or illnesses, and to live in a rural area.On the other hand, millennials were more likely to identify as introverts, trave lers or digital nomads, and students. They were also twice as likely to cite mental illness as one reason they value flexible work options.When it comes to why they work, both groups said paying for basic necessities was the main reason, but secondary reasons also differed boomers and the silent generation said they work because they enjoy working, while millennials said paying for travel was their second most important reason for working.Where the Generations Intersect on Work FlexibilityDespite these differences, each generation is clearly most interested in flexible work options, such as working from home and having a flexible schedule.mora than 60% in both groups said theyd be more productive workers if they worked remotely. Both groups are most interested in working from home 100% of the time, and both groups are about equally interested in freelancing.Less than 10% of each group said they would choose the office as their preferred place to get important work done. The vast maj ority would rather work from home, a coffee shop, the library, or another place outside the office. And both groups said a critical factor for accepting a job is to find the work meaningful.Living Your Values with Flexible WorkDepending on your situation and lifestyle needs, a flexible job may be just the ticket. But to be successful in a flexible job search and land a flexible job,youll need to be smart in your approach. Heres how to find a flexible job that fits your lifestyle1. Focus on your qualifications rather than your needs.Job seekers, especially those with difficult circumstances at home that necessitate a more flexible job, are often too quick to explain to employers why they need flexibility at work. Emotional and personal reasons for needing flexibility arent ideal to share with a potential employer.Stick to more professional topics of conversation, such as your experience, training, skills, and aptitude for working well in a flexible environment. If an employer asks wh y you want a flexible job, keep your reasons strictly professional. For example, youll be more productive or youll have less stress from commuting and be better able to focus.2. Pinpoint your search on jobs that truly fit your lifestyle.Each type of flexibility has benefits and challenges and you should assess them before deciding which flexible work arrangement might be ideal for you. Heres a quick rundown of the pros and cons of the most common flex typesRemote work Youll ditch the commute and can be more productive, healthier, and happier, but youll work alone much of the day and may be distracted by things at home.Flexible or part-time schedules Your work will better align with your life, but youll also have to work diligently to stay productive and focused if your hours shift regularly. Part-time hours may also bring reduced income.Freelancing Youll have more control over when, where, how, how much, and with whom you work. But youll also be responsible for business administrati on tasks, such as paying employment taxes, getting your own health insurance, and finding work and projects.3. Showcase your best qualifications in applications and when talking to people.If you have previous experience working remotely or flexibly, it should be clearly denoted on your resume and in your cover letter. Skills like being able to work independently, written and verbal communication, comfort with technology, and focus should also be leveraged in application materials.When youre talking to friends, family, and networking contacts about your job search, dont just ask what they do for a living- ask them how they do it. Youll likely find that more people work flexibly than you knew, and you can ask them how they landed their own flexible jobs and what tips they have for you.4. Know where to look for flexible and remote jobs.Certain companies and jobs are more likely to offer flexibility than others. Some of the most common remote and flexible jobs areAccountantProgram Manag erTeacher/FacultyWriterConsultantEngineerProject Managergeschftliches miteinander Development ManagerAccount Manager/Account ExecutiveTutorDeveloperCustomer Service RepresentativeSales RepresentativeAnalystEditorIn researching 50,000 companies with flexible jobs, the following companies have offered the mostKelly ServicesUnitedHealth GroupATTReal StaffingAetnaRobert Half InternationalHiltonAjilonSAPAccounting PrincipalsKforceCyberCodersKaplanPearsonAtrium HealthLeidosAnthem, Inc.DellTEKsystemsAFIRMWhile different generations may have different reasons for seeking and valuing flexible work, one thing is clear all generations benefit from flexible work arrangements. And with current employment trends favoring job seekers, now is a great time to be seeking jobs that offer work flexibility.Browse Open Flexible Jobs

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Personal Injury Paralegal Skills and Abilities

Personal Injury Paralegal Skills and AbilitiesPersonal Injury Paralegal Skills and AbilitiesPersonal injury paralegals assist personal injury lawyers in all aspects of personal injury litigation from case inception through appeal. Jamie Collins, a paralegal for Yosha Cook Shartzer Tisch in Indianapolis, Indiana, and founder of The Paralegal Societyrelates the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a personal injury paralegal. Below is information on the role of paralegals in the area of personal injury law including daily responsibilities, challenges, and tips. Client Service A paralegal working on personal injury/wrongful death cases must know how to interview and screen prospective clients. The paralegal must review a file to determine what the clients case involves and to determine its current status. Medical Analysis Personal injury paralegals must understand the medical aspects of a case to ascertain which medical records and bills to acquire and to determine if f uture cost projections or experts are required. The paralegal must be familiar with medical terminology and know how to prepare medical chronologies, medical expense itemizations, deposition summaries, and demand packages. A paralegal will address prescription medications and identify which ones may be related to a clients claim. This means understanding the typical nerve root distribution pattern for injuries involving radicular symptoms (pain that radiates from the spine into a persons extremities), becoming familiar with the human anatomy, and gaining knowledge of various types of injuries (e.g., if they rumliche lage permanent implications or may necessitate future surgery or lifelong expenses). Drafting Skills Drafting skills should be part of a personal injury paralegals capabilities. A paralegal should be able to draft discovery responses and assert all necessary objections to ensure that they are nearly perfect prior to the attorneys review. The paralegal must also prepa re witness and exhibit lists, draft motions, final instructions, verdict forms, and be ready to tackle writing projects. Trial Preparation Personal injury paralegals are well-versed in the trial realm. Important tasks include witness preparation (helping to prepare the clients for trial) and preparing voir dire outlines, opening and closing statements, and witness outlines. A paralegal often determines the exhibits to be used and prepares them for viewing. Trial Personal injury paralegals play an important role at trial. At trial, the personal injury paralegal may perform the following functions Assist the attorney with the entire voir dire process (e.g., taking notes, striking, and selection of jurors)Pull and pass exhibits to the attorney as neededAct as a liaison to the client throughout trialEnsure the attorney does not inadvertently waive an objection during trial by allowing certain evidence to be read into the recordCommunicate with the bailiff or court reporter if is sues arise or information needs to be sharedBring witnesses into the courtroom when it is their turn to testifyRework exhibit binders if an exhibit is added or needs to be removed prior to presenting it to the jury (this is an event which often transpires just outside the courtroom when a last minute issue arises with an exhibit) Help the attorney to elicit key pieces of testimony from each witness based upon personal knowledge of the caseAssist with all aspects of trial strategy and act as a second set of eyes and ears (and another legal mind) in the courtroom It is also helpful to know the trial rules in the relevant geographic area, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the Federal Rules of Evidence for trial purposes. Trials are very exciting. As with any area of litigation, a personal injury paralegal must also have the following characteristics An excellent multi-taskerOrganized and efficientA proficient writerCapable of prioritizing and reprioritizing tasksWilling to lear n new material regularlyDetail-orientedAble to work at a fast paceAccurate and consistentWilling to assume full ownership of all assigned workWell-spoken and personablePoised and professionalA positive attitude

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Deal with Job Search FOMO

How to Deal with Job Search FOMOHow to Deal with Job Search FOMO New year, new you- new job . At least, that may be the case for coworkers and friends who are job hunting and exploring new career options as we tip-toe into 2019. When the start of a new year rolls around, many people see their friends, family, and coworkers embrace the saying, new year, new me, and make big changes in their lives, from personal lifestyle adjustments to career transformations , says Michael Steinitz, executive director of staffing firm Accountemps . But if youre bedrngnis on the new-year-new-job bandwagon, you might feel a sense of FOMO- fear of missing out- as you watch others take on new jobs and challenges.The feeling of FOMO is totally normally and is the same whether your neighbor buys a new car or a sibling gets a new job, says Madelyn Mackie , certified career management coach and trainer. You might put yourself in their places and think, Wouldnt it be nice if I had more mone y, a flexible schedule , a shorter commute, a nicer boss? Its just human nature. If youre feeling job-search FOMO, dont despair Here are four things you can do instead.First and foremost, do not let FOMO, jealousy, or bitterness ruin a friendship, Mackie says. Instead, support your friends and co-workers in their quest by asking how you can help, she suggests. For example, you might be able to introduce them to peers in your network- or help them prepare for their interview. It wont hurt to brush up on your skills eitherFOMO can be overwhelming. But dont make any changes based on what others are doing, warns Steinitz, who adds that, everyone has different reasons for needing or wanting a change in employment, and their situation is different from your own. Steinitz suggests if you suddenly feel an urge to change jobs or careers, that you take a moment to ask yourself why. Is it for career growth ? To reduce your commute time? Earn greater compensation? he says. Then, consider whet her these things can be addressed at your current company.As youre watching others apply for new jobs and make changes, ask them what they have learned during the process and what they wish they had put in place sooner, Mackie says. Maybe they wished they had used LinkedIn to build a strong network, or taken advantage of professional development opportunities from their employer, or kept their resume up to date. Once you have their answers, you can use them to enhance your job- or a job search.If you have concluded its time for a new challenge, Steinitz suggests speaking to your boss before you jump ship. See if theres anything that can be done to improve your current situation, like taking on stretch assignments or enrolling in courses to further your skills and experience, he says. You may find you dont need to leave your company after all.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Sell Yourself During a Job Interview

How to Sell Yourself During a Job InterviewHow to Sell Yourself During a Job InterviewWhat does it mean to perform well during an interview? Well, youll need to show that you have the right background and experience, as well as being a good match for the role and the companys culture. Think of this as an amped-up, in-person version of the same work you did on the job application to obtain an interview. But youll need to do more than check off the boxes on your interviewers list - you want the person you speak with to feel excited about making an offer. That means selling yourself to interviewers, to make it clear that youre a strong candidate. Sound overwhelming? Heres how to get started. Carry Yourself With Confidence If you feel unsure about yourself during the interview, itll show. Do everything you can to outwardly project confidence when you meet with interviewers. What you say in response to questions is essential (more on that later) but how you say it, as well as your ov erall appearance and how you carry yourself, is also meaningful. Here are a few things to keep in mind Mind Your Body Language Are you slumped in the chair? Fidgeting? Avoiding eye contact? unterstellung no-nos can make you appear unfocused, uninterested in the job, or unsure of yourself. Maintain good posture, make eye contact when you shake hands, and sit in a position that radiates engagement with the conversation. Here are body language tips to follow during your next interview. Watch Your Word Choices Nerves can make verbal tics even more prominent. Try to avoid saying um or like too much- and, curb any tendency you have to engage in up-talk- speaking with a rising tone at the end of each sentence. Uptalk is a speech pattern which can make you seem immature. Recording yourself practicing interview questions- or having a friend practice with you- can help you identify these habits. Choose an Industry and Interview-Appropriate Outfit There is no one answer for what to wear during an interview. Do wear something youre comfortable in (if you have an itchy seam or keep tugging at a hemline, interviewers may notice) but also choose an outfit thats suitable for the specific interview. Whats appropriate for an interview at a fashion magazine, tech start-up, and retail job differs. Practice Answers, but Make Sure to Develop Ones That Are Specific and Memorable Its good to practice what youll say in response to common interview questions. Interviewers will expect you to be prepared. But just because the questions are common, doesnt mean your answers should be Remember you want to sell yourself during the interview, and no one is eager to buy a humdrum product. Aim to be memorable, so your responses stick in the interviewers memory, even days after a conversation. As you practice your responses, keep these tips in mind Be specific when you give an example. Dont just say, My work on that project saved the company money. Tell interviewers how much money and what y ou did to save it. Avoid vague answers Tell a story as you relate something you have done or experienced. Its easy to say youre a team-playing, detail-oriented self-starter. These buzzwords come up in job listings, but its your job to translate them into stories about yourself. That proves you have the quality. So instead of saying Im a self-starter, say, When I came on board, there was a paper- and digital-based workflow for the monthly report. I researched, and removing the paper-based workflow resulted in 10 percent savings and also removed duplicate work. I presented my findings to the executive team, and we transitioned to a new, digital-only gebtheit the following month. The staff was relieved, and were all happy to spare the environment. Keep It brief in your replies but answer the direct question. Dont ramble in your answers. Its better to pause for a second to frame your thoughts than dive in and wind up babbling for minutes upon minutes. Be respectful of interviewers time , and pay attention to cues. (If interviewers seem bored, they probably are - wrap it up). Following these strategies will help you avoid bland responses. Know What Interviewers Want In some ways, what interviewers want is obvious a candidate who can do the job well, and fit in with the company. But this will vary across positions, industries, and companies. To gain insight into employer wants and needs, research the company and industry. If its been a while (say, since you wrote your cover letter) analyze the job description. Think always What can I do for the company? Will you help them sell more widgets, resolve customer complaints faster, streamline the workflow, or make sure customers are happy? Figure out how youll be beneficial, then make sure its clear in your interview question response. Put Your Strengths on Display Interviews are not the time for modesty Rather, its a moment when its appropriate to say I did XYZ or My work helped do ABC. Avoid saying we and make sure to mention your accomplishments. If this feels uncomfortably like bragging, consider framing accomplishments in terms of other peoples comments My co-workers voted me best team player two years running.In my annual review, my manager was grateful for my organizational abilities. Follow these steps, and youll be sure to impress interviewers with your confidence and suitability for the position.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The War Against American Resume

The War Against American Resume Make koranvers that any on-line profiles are updated and reflective of your targets and professionalism. All the information that you include should benefit from your skill set and be relevant to the job youre applying for. Every undertaking will introduce some non-project benefits. Zetys resume templates are made with the assistance of recruiters and stick to the best practices in HR. To stspecies with, in Britain the document which you use to apply to get a job is known as a CV. In the usa, the resume is the most often requested document for the majority of positions. For newcomers to the United States of america, it is crucial to understand USA resume format expectations. In the end, utilizing the ideal USA resume format will help to better your chances of landing that critical interview that results in a job in the usa. It is possible to use our resume building software to produce your own from scratch. Utilizing free online resume templ ates can help you to make a more professional resume. Moreover there are several resume templates Microsoft Word to pick from it is really hard to land on that 1 link which will actually do the job for you. In case the template appears different than the example it could be because you dont have the right font. What is Actually Happening with American Resume Lets look at a few of the variations you may run into. When writing your statement, it is necessary to take into consideration where youre in your professional progression. Typically, the job itself would request the ideal documents, so there is no space for confusion. You just need to have a present picture of missing person and make a list of a number of important truth about the individual. Want to Know More About American Resume? The health care industry can be quite competitive. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. In lots of the Schengen nations, you can arrive and search for jobs straight away, or when you prefer to, apply for positions before you leave the United States. Various kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with lots of the exact same skills. American Resume - the Conspiracy There are several resume writing guidebooks offered on the market which may help you. The American resume is normally a one-page document and gives an overview of your work experience. A simple American resume primarily includes the next information. Now, lets have a peek at what the CV intends to accomplish. There are many points you ought to know in making American resume samples. Luckily there are several exciting avenues its possible to exploreon your European job search. It is possible to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. The Pain of American Resume Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. One of the very first things to think about on your European job search is to receive your resume properly optimized. Before you begin applying for jobs in Europe, start with getting your resume fit. The absolute most recent job ought to be at the very top of your resume, and then you need to work your way to your earliest work experience. Where to Find American Resume On the flip side, once the work applicant has strong experience, there isnt any need to depend on the academic training any longer and it doesnt need to get mentioned. If you dont have much or any education experience, its simple to locate classes online for minimum money that may help you in the skills you require for the job youre pursuing. In a CV, as an example, if youre asking for work in education, you may want to place your teaching experience near the top of your CV. Academic jobs like researcher, professor, teacher usually take a CV. The concept is basically to supply a short, interesting and concise overview of your career and techniques. Before you reduce a work fee, b e sure tore creating an incredible exchange. A lot of people dont like their existing job or career. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. If you move abroad for work, you will shortly discover that everybody requires a CV. It is possible to even include things like unrelated experiences, as you never understand what unique background an employer could be on the lookout for. Its very vital to comprehend the type of resumes preferred by the establishment that you wish to work for. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a possible employer gets of us. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. Normally, the quickest way to decline is via phone. The waiter resume example is easily adapted to clearly show your private experience. However much or what type of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Quintessential Handbook to Custom College Papers Online

The Quintessential Handbook to Custom College Papers Online Naturally, you might be considering other writing companies which provide custom essays for sale. Our customized essay writers, editors and every personnel that weve in our company are attempting to supply you with the very best tafelgeschirr that we have the ability to offer you. When it has to do with writing products, however, there may be no compromises. Take into account the research you must do and the last phases, such as formatting and editing. Our custom essays and research papers are almost always original and meet our clients requirements together with academic standards. The customized essay writing services we deliver are certain to be of the best quality. A custom writing service can easily be found on the internet. Any custom writing service tends to address professionals. So if youre trying to find the very best custom essay achieved by true professionals, ParamountEssays is the suitable choice. Our co mpetent writers are here in order to help you in solving any academic undertaking. The reviews of our loyal customers will provide you the clue. When it has to do with providing original and distinctive content, trust our dedicated and qualified writers to do precisely that. Regardless of what you have to be done, no matter when you require, we are here in order to help you. Therefore, should you happen to have any questions do not be afraid to ask. If you are searching for a place to have a high-quality customized essay, youre at the proper place. When you go to college, you face several drastic changes in your daily life, and it typically takes lots of mental effort to handle them properly.You are going to receive a fantastic price Few people think that getting a top quality paper at a ritterlich price is possible. Theres a reason why over half of our clients return to order again. You could search for the perfect on-line service somewhere else, keeping the mixture of qua lity and price in mind or you may quit searching at the moment and turn to us for help instead. Customized essay papers, on the flip side, are different. Youre not told to do a custom writing essay just so its possible to show that youve got an immense grasp of writing materials. Customized essay writing online is that which we do best. Your legit customized college essay is going to be delivered direct to your inbox within your preferred time frame, prepared to be printed or emailed to your professor.If it doesnt, then you want to be aware that the essay you write will be impacted. In reality, in comparison to all the other kinds of assignments, including speeches, presentations, research papers, and so forth, the essay is easily the most common one. To ensure your essay is all up to the standard, you must employ the help of expert essay writers that are good at delivering custom made essays. It will never be re-sold and will never appear anywhere on the Internet. All you h ave to do is consult with an expert customized essay writing service like ours that is guaranteed to submit all of your assigned work in time. The majority of them, also provide custom essay writing services, meaning you are able to offer clear instructions as soon as it regards the paper you order, and the writer responsible for your essay will follow them closely. In any case, an excellent command of the English language has an important function. Or obviously, you could choose the stress from the situation altogether and hire Academized to write you an expert customized essay.Its a fact that a customized essay paper writing task needs huge understanding. You will receive the paper you need if you want it. In the same way, each of the output made for original custom made essay is solely for the customer who requested that specific paper. Dont be worried if the paper you received doesnt meet all your expectations.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Voxy Announces Unique Referral Incentive, All-expense Paid Vacation

Voxy Announces Unique Referral Incentive, All-expense Paid Vacation Education technology company, Voxy, recently announced its unique approach to the employee referral scheme. The company is offering an all-expense-paid immersion trip to anyone who recommends a friend to work at Voxyregardless of whether the referrer works for the business. The company explained that it is looking for talented engineers interested in working on game-changing, innovative technology that empowers people around the world to achieve their goals by learning English. Learning a new language within the context of real-world experiences is a key underpinning of Voxys approach so it made sense for us to offer this reward, which reflects our mission and spirit as a company, Gregg Carey, Voxys VP of People Operations, said.The Fine Print details includeTotal trip expenditure not to exceed $4,000Winner will have to cover an y taxesReferral must work at Voxy for 90 days before prize is awardedNo requirements to applyInterested parties should have their friend(s) apply through Voxys online job postings page,ensuring that the job seeker lists their name on the application where it says how did you hear about this job.For more information on the new referral incentive, visit here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Night Flying Regulations for the VFR Pilot

Night Flying Regulations for the VFR PilotNight Flying Regulations for the VFR PilotWhether we fly frequently or hardly at all, its easy to forget some of the regulations surrounding specific flights and specific operations. Pilots flying at night are often guilty of forgetting some of the basic regulations surrounding night flight. Heres a quick checklist of FARs to review to make sure youre legal to fly at night, including pilot currency and aircraft equipment requirements. Pilot Currency Pilots are required to maintain nightcurrency every 90 days to carry passengers at night. Specifically, 61.57(b) states that,no person may act as pilot in command of an aircraft carrying passengers during the period beginning 1 hour after sunset and ending 1 hour before sunrise, unless within the preceding 90 days that person has made at least three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop during the period beginning 1 hour after sunset and ending 1 hour before sunrise, and- That person act ed as sole manipulator of the flight controls andThe required takeoffs and landings were performed in an aircraft of the same category, class, and schriftart (if a type rating is required). Aircraft Fuel Reserves FAR 91.151(2) states that No person may begin a flight in an airplane under VFR conditions unless (considering wind and forecast weather conditions) there is enough fuel to fly to the first point of intended landing and, assuming normal cruising speed (2) At night, to fly after that for at least 45 minutes. Aircraft Equipment All of the equipment required for day VFR (which some of you may know from the acronym TOMATOFLAMES) is required for night VFR flight, plus a few extras (some use the acronym FLAPS). Specifically, FAR 91.205 states that For VFR flight at night, the following instruments and equipment are required Instruments and equipment specified in paragraph (b) of this section.Approved position lights.An approved aviation red or aviation white anticollision light system on all U.S.-registered civil aircraft.If the aircraft is operated for hire, one electric landing light.An adequate source of electrical energy for all installed electrical and radio equipment.One spare set of fuses, or three spare fuses of each kind required, that are accessible to the pilot in flight. By the way, the FLAPS acronym goes like this F- FusesL- Landing lightA- Anticollision lightsP- Position LightsS- Source of electrical energy Aircraft Light Usage You have to use the aircrafts position lights at night. Its required by FAR 91.209, which states that No person may, (a) During the period from sunset tosunrise Operate an aircraft unless it has lighted position lightsPark or move an aircraft in, or in dangerous proximity to, a night flight operations area of an airport unless the aircraft- Is illuminatedHas lighted position lights orIs in an area that is marked by obstruction lights

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to get people involved in and committed to company goals

How to get people involved in and committed to company goals How to get people involved in and committed to company goals The concept of work has undergone a fundamental shift.People no longer want to go to their jobs every week, put in exactly 40 hours, and repeat that pattern for 20 or 30 years. Instead, everyone is searching for purpose.They’re searching for self-actualization through their marriage, work, life.So, as a leader, you can’t just send out memos with a list of goals and expect everyone to band together and commit to them.You have to harness the desire for purpose and commitment in a way that brings people together around your company goals.That sort of commitment - passion, excitement, dedication - only comes from people who are truly engaged with their work. It comes from a community that sees a future where everyone benefits from what’s being done. It comes from people who feel their job has a meaning and a purpose beyond 5 o’clock in the evening.And you’re responsible for building that community.Here’s how to do it:Purpose has to be discovered and nurtured â€" you can’t implement it.You can’t announce purpose at an all-company meeting or put up a billboard.The desire to work together and commit to goals often develops from a single spark. In that sense, creating a sense of purpose is very similar to starting a bonfire. All it takes is a single match. The challenge is that you can’t just decide to strike a match. But you can architect the right conditions and environment for when the spark happens.At the most basic level, a group that comes together has to like each other. They have to respect each other’s professional skills and knowledge, and they may even bring shared values to their work environment.As the CEO of a biotech company, Morphic Therapeutic, I find those shared values revolve around wanting to do good science. The act of discovery is core to the human condition. People want to be in a place with integrity and a commitment to the science we’re working on.When shared values are in place, the conditions are right for a sense of purpose to develop. People begin to bond. They have conversations about shared life experiences, mutual interests, and long-term goals. Eventually, something clicks and the spark begins to create an entity far greater than a company - a community.The community and purpose draw people in.Finding a common purpose causes people to come together within an organization.And once everyone begins to see their futures as intrinsically linked, work stops being a zero sum game. People cease to see themselves as an individual who can “win” or “lose” depending on the situation. They begin to view success as something that is achieved by the entire group.In many situations, it’s natural to feel as though you’ve lost when someone else wins an award or achieves a major goal. And there are plenty of companies out there where the culture never progresses past that mentality.But when a company has evolved to the point where people really feel as though they’re part of a group working toward a common set of goals, everything changes. At this point, if a team member does something great, people recognize it as an achievement that helps move everyone forward. While you’re always pivoting between your individual needs and those of the group in a community, the fundamental aspect of this collective mentality is that you don’t feel you lost because someone else gained.No one’s keeping score anymore. If a colleague has a victory, it was just their turn. Yours will come soon enough.Purpose has to be actively pursuedYou can’t implement collective purpose in a company by decree. But you can’t just wait around and hope for it to occur, either.That’s why building a community is about getting to know people on a personal level, understanding their challenges, and having conversations about values and goals.It’s about creating the conditions for the collective mission to emerge.Something I’ve noticed is that people almost universally seem scared of networking and getting to know other people. So at Morphic The rapeutic, I emphasize helping people network so they can create an external community for their own career paths. I do that first and foremost because I want them to have successful careers. But I’m also hoping some of that networking ability translates into how they think about community within the company as well.Because if people spend time building their own personal communities, see the value, and live their lives outside of work with a sense of purpose, that’s going to translate to their work lives. You have to understand others and amplify what they feel capable of. Be a force multiplier.You can’t simply give speeches or implement your way to a purpose-driven community within your company, but you can give people the tools and support for it to emerge on its own.This article originally appeared on

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

10 body language myths that limit your success

10 body language myths that limit your success 10 body language myths that limit your success Body language plays a key role in your career  -  from your first job interview to the ongoing process of building professional relationships to being perceived as having leadership presence. But not everything you’ve heard about body language is accurate. Don’t limit your success by buying into these ten myths: 1. Using body language to make a positive impression is inauthentic This is a myth I hear expressed whenever I give a speech or seminar. And it often comes from the same participants (managers, leaders, executives) who understand the value of spending hours creating, reviewing and rehearsing what they are going to say to make a positive impression in an important meeting or negotiation. I ask them to consider this: In any business interaction you are communicating over two channels â€" verbal and nonverbal â€" resulting in two distinct conversations going on at the same time. While a well-written speech or well-designed bargaining strategy is obviously important, it’s not the only important message you send. In a thirty-minute business discussion, two people can send over eight hundred different nonverbal signals. And it is no more (or less) inauthentic to prepare for this second conversation than it is to prepare for the first. 2. Body language is 93% of communication On the other hand, if you think that all you have to do to be an effective communicator is to watch your body language, you’ll underestimate the power of your verbal message. The 93% myth is based on this misquoting of a classic study by Dr. Albert Mehabrian: “The total impact of a message is based on: 7% words used; 38% tone of voice, volume, rate of speech, vocal pitch; 55% facial expressions, hand gestures, postures and other forms of body language.” But Mehabrian never said that. His research was focused solely on the communication of emotions - specifically, liking and disliking. 3. Liars don’t make eye contact The biggest body language myth about deception is that liars avoid eye contact. While some liars (especially children) can find it difficult to lie while looking at you, other deceivers, especial the most brazen or habitual, may overcompensate to “prove” that they are not lying by making too much eye contact and holding it too long. If you correlate lack of eye contact with deception, you will misread cues from people who are shy, introverted, or come from cultures where extended eye contact is considered rude or threatening. 4. The “Superman” or “Wonder Woman” pose changes blood chemistry The concept that two minutes of “power posing” (for example, standing feet apart with hands on hips) increased testosterone (a power hormone) and decreased cortisol (a hormone associated with stress), was popularized by Amy Cuddy’s TED talk about her 2010 social psychology study. These impressive results were quoted in various body language blogs and speeches (including mine). But recent backlash from Dana Carney, Cuddy’s co-researcher, and the inability of other universities to replicate the results, have thrown doubt on this assertion. What you can still rely on however, is that good posture (standing or sitting tall with head held high, both feet firmly on the floor, and shoulders back) makes you look and feel more confident. 5. Crossed arms always means resistance Of course, crossed arms often does indicate resistance, but it can also mean many other things - or nothing at all - depending on the individual and the situation. If a person sits in a chair that doesn’t have armrests, it increases the likelihood of crossed arms â€" as does a chilly room temperature. If someone is deep in thought and pacing back and forth, crossing arms is a common way to increase concentration. The problem with believing the crossed arm myth is that you may not realize the gesture is coming from someone who is cold, concentrating, or simply assuming her normal, most comfortable arm position. 6. Eye direction is correlated with lying In Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), the idea was proposed that looking to the right indicated deception while looking left suggested truth-telling. This, however, has been disproven by research. The University of Edinburgh conducted three separate studies and found no correlation between the direction of eye movement and whether the subject was telling the truth or lying. 7. You can tell what someone is thinking by analyzing their body language No, you can’t. Neither can I. We are not mind readers. While body language can offer insights into the emotional state of someone (angry, sad, happy, disgusted, fearful, contemptuous, etc.), it can’t tell  why  the person is exhibiting that emotion. Here is how John Sudol, an acting coach describes the danger in assuming we know what’s behind a negative expression: “In a business interview or acting audition, what you read on the interviewer’s face can provoke a variety of unwanted responses, such as anxiety, self-doubt, and insecurity. If enough stress is produced it can trigger a limbic response and put you into a freeze-fight-or-flee state.” Sudol later told me that he has adopted a personal mantra to decrease the negative impact of an angry or hostile expression:  What’s on their face is not about me! 8. Body language is an effective tool for disguising your true feelings The problem with buying into this myth is that research has shown that attempting to suppress genuine emotion requires so much conscious effort that it is rarely successful. Whenever you attempt to conceal any strong feeling and fake another, your body almost always “leaks” nonverbal cues that are picked up consciously or subconsciously by your audience.Stanford University’s research on emotional suppression shows why it’s so difficult to hide your true feelings: Subjects instructed to conceal their emotions reported feeling ill at ease, distracted and preoccupied. And this was validated by a steady rise in their blood pressure. But another, quite unexpected finding showed a corresponding blood pressure rise in those listening to the subjects. The stress of suppression wasn’t just palpable; it was contagious. 9. Talking with your hands is unprofessional If you respond to this myth by keeping your hands still when speaking, you are limiting your effectiveness as a communicator. Not only do gestures help listeners track and interpret what you are saying, brain imaging has shown that gesture is integrally linked to speech. Gesturing as you talk can actually power up your thinking. Whenever I coach clients to incorporate gestures into their deliveries, I find that their verbal content improves, their speech is less hesitant, and their use of fillers (“ums” and “uhs”) decreases. 10. Increasing communication effectiveness takes major changes in nonverbal behavior This is my favorite myth, because it is so easy to dispute. Just try smiling more and see how much it improves the dynamics of your interactions. A genuine smile not only stimulates your own sense of well-being, it also tells those around you that you are approachable, cooperative, and trustworthy. A genuine smile comes on slowly, crinkles the eyes, lights up the face, and fades away slowly. Most importantly, smiling directly influences how other people respond to you. When you smile at someone, they almost always smile in return. And, because facial expressions trigger corresponding feelings, the smile you get back actually changes that person’s emotional state in a positive way. Not bad for one small nonverbal change. Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D., is an international keynote speaker and leadership presence coach. She’s the author of “The Silent Language of Leaders: How Body Language Can Help â€" or Hurt How You Lead” and creator of LinkedInLearning’s video series: “Body Language for Leaders.” For more information, visit

Monday, November 18, 2019

5 ways you can use visualization to achieve top performance

5 ways you can use visualization to achieve top performance 5 ways you can use visualization to achieve top performance I’ve always been afraid of water. To confront those fears, I decided to learn how to scuba dive, even before I learned how to swim! I would to use visualization to achieve top performance if I hoped to get out alive.One of the requirements of a scuba dive certification is to descend ten feet under water, take off your mask and mouthpiece, and then put them back on again. I was afraid I would drown in those few moments underwater and without oxygen.What if I lost my mask? How would I get back to the surface? After all, I couldn’t even swim. My instructor was with me, and during practice he had helped me several times. On the day of certification, however, I would need to do it all on my own.My fear of water had not subsided as I hoped it would. I did not feel safe in the water, especially when I was ten feet under.The night before the test, I walked myself through the exercise many times. How could I use visualization to achieve top performance in my situation? Here were my steps: 1. Take a deep breath and let go of my mouthpiece. 2. Pull off the mask with my left hand and hold it tightly as my right hand came around and pulled it back over my face. 3. Keep salt water out of my eyes by keeping them tightly closed. 4. Grab hold of my mouthpiece and bring life-giving oxygen back into my lungs.I visualized the sequence dozens of times. And when it came time for my scuba dive certification, I performed the underwater portion exactly as I had visualized it. Two days later, I dove 100 feet down a seawall!I’m a hard-nosed realist who used to look at things like visualization as woo woo New Age. Little did I know at the time that I could use visualization to achieve top performance and point to solid science to explain why it worked. Achieving my goal was about more than work and discipline- it was also about physiology.Whenever we use visualization to achieve top performance, our brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine. That is the chemical that becomes active when we encounter situations that are linked to rewards from the past. Dopamine enables us to not only see rewards, but also to move toward them as well. So every time we visualize our achievement, our brain stores that information as a success.Visualization goes beyond my example of scuba diving. Here are 5 ways you can use visualization to achieve top performance:1. Clarify what you wantThis is more important than most people think because once we identify the things that are important to us, it’s easier to notice them. Once we have clarity about our goals, we start to look for ways to accomplish them. Opportunities might have been there all the time but we didn’t look for them, so we didn’t see them.When you visualize your goals, it forces you to get serious about what you want. Otherwise, there is nothing to visualize but a bunch of half-baked dreams about your future. Visualization takes a hazy idea and turns it into a clear goal. It’s more than a quick fix.How To Make It Work For You: Clarity requires precision, so it doesn’t do any good to be content with vague ideas of how you want to live your life. Vague goals sound a lot like this: I want to be rich. I want to travel the world. I want to be respected. This is the pseudo-goal crap that will never lead you to success because it’s not based in reality. To gain clarity, you will need to sit down and think about how you want events or relationships to unfold, exactly where you want to end up, and exactly what you need to do to get there.2. Get specificWhen you use visualization to achieve top performance, you see your own ability to perform in difficult or stressful situations. It can help move you beyond your current circumstances. Visualizing encourages leaders to ask “What if?” or “What else?” These types of questions open doors of possibility and opportunity. It’s an invitation to move past the status quo.The very act of giving your brain a detailed and specific portrait of your end goal ensures the release of dopamine, the powerful tool to steer you toward success. If dopamine is associated with rewards, leaders can use this knowledge to help their teams find ways to create a more satisfying work environment. Research has determined that dopamine is produced in anticipation of reward, not as the result of the reward.How To Make It Work For You: Visualizing the outcome of an event is enough to trigger the production of dopamine. Ask yourself a simple question such as “What do I want this meeting to look like?” and then visualize your performance. Visualize every objection and/or question that is likely to come up in the meeting, and your response to it.If you want to use visualization to achieve top performance, you will need to visualize the entire process- the beginning, middle, and end. Take your mind through a situation and simulate how you plan to start, what you will experience, and how you will do it.3. Remove uncertaintyUncertainty can rear its ugly head at any time. It may be rooted in lack of confidence, lack of experience, or self-limiting beliefs. It is impossible to use visualization to achieve top performance if we move forward with a timid heart and weak voice.The FBI Academy ta ught me to respect uncertainty when it popped up in stressful situations. I never ignored it; instead, I found ways to break its crippling cycle of repetition. It was essential for my job as an FBI agent.It’s also important for your job as a leader, entrepreneur, or business owner. Your confidence is a by-product of your success, not the cause of it. Uncertainty can sabotage your best efforts to move forward unless you nip it in the bud.How To Make It Work For You: The more familiar you become with the situations, conversations, or events that produce your uncertainty, the calmer you will be able to approach the situation. Grit up and acknowledge your doubts so you can excavate the significance of their timing.Write down  when  you experience uncertainty. Explore what triggers it. Trace the roots all the way back to childhood if needed.4. Experience the right emotionsEmotions are very important if you want to use visualization to achieve top performance. Your brain learns better w ith emotions. The memories and experiences that are freighted with emotions stick in your mind. Visualization is a mental simulation of your future performance so you need to cast the right emotion into the equation.The idea behind visualization is to plant false positive memories into your brain. To be successful, you must remain positive. Your brain will perceive your future performance as more achievable if they are accompanied by a positive emotion.How To Make It Work For You: When you use visualization to achieve top performance,    you’re better prepared for it in real life. You will feel prepared because you’re doing something you’ve already rehearsed many times in your mind. Here are some tips: Don’t give negative emotions the space to fester. Feel positive emotions like enthusiasm, pride, happiness, and satisfaction on every step of the way. Let them become ingrained in your psyche. Don’t ignore the obstacles, but don’t give negative emotions the space to fester. Visualize the obstacles you expect to encounter so you’re prepared for them. Imagine what it will feel like when you succeed. From Victor Frankl: “There’s one reason why I’m here today. What kept me alive in a situation where others had given up hope and died was the dream that someday I’d be here telling you how I survived the concentration camps. I’ve never been here before. I’ve never seen any of you before. Nor have I ever given this speech before. But in my dreams I’ve stood before you in this room and said these words a thousand times.”Like Frankl, you can be successful because you’ve done it a hundred times before- if only in your mind.5. Visualize massive success, but never fantasizeThere is an important caveat about visualization- never fantasize. Your brain is smart enough to tell the difference between peak performance and fantasy.    A study published in the  Journal of Experimental Social Psychology  suggests that positive fantasies can actually sap energy.The same study found that shifting into fantasy mode is most effective when we need to decrease our energy because anxiety is getting the better of us.How To Make It Work For You: You can dream of becoming a rock star, but make sure you have the talent to make it happen. It’s great to have dreams, but have the self-awareness to know the difference between you at your very best and a fantasy version of what you dream of becoming in life.This article was originally published on LaRae Quy. 5 ways you can use visualization to achieve top performance I’ve always been afraid of water. To confront those fears, I decided to learn how to scuba dive, even before I learned how to swim! I would need to use visualization to achieve top performance if I hoped to get out alive.One of the requirements of a scuba dive certification is to descend 10 feet under water, take off your mask and mouthpiece, and then put them back on again. I was afraid I would drown in those few moments underwater and without oxygen.What if I lost my mask? How would I get back to the surface? After all, I couldn’t even swim. My instructor was with me, and during practice, he had helped me several times. On the day of certification, however, I would need to do it all on my own.My fear of water had not subsided as I hoped it would. I did not feel safe in the water, especially when I was 10 feet under.The night before the test, I walked myself through the exercise many times. How could I use visualization to achieve top performance in my situation? Here were my st eps: Take a deep breath and let go of my mouthpiece. Pull off the mask with my left hand and hold it tightly as my right hand came around and pulled it back over my face. Keep salt water out of my eyes by keeping them tightly closed. Grab hold of my mouthpiece and bring life-giving oxygen back into my lungs. I visualized the sequence dozens of times. And when it came time for my scuba dive certification, I performed the underwater portion exactly as I had visualized it. Two days later, I dove 100 feet down a seawall!I’m a hard-nosed realist who used to look at things like visualization as “woo woo” New Age. Little did I know at the time that I could use visualization to achieve top performance and point to solid science to explain why it worked. Achieving my goal was about more than work and discipline; it was also about physiology.Whenever we use visualization to achieve top performance, our brain releases a neurotransmitter called dopamine. That is the chemical that becomes active when we encounter situations that are linked to rewards from the past. Dopamine enables us to not only see rewards but also to move toward them. So every time we visualize our achievement, our brain stores that information as a success.Visualization goes beyond my example of scuba diving.Here are five w ays you can use visualization to achieve top performance:1. Clarify what you wantThis is more important than most people think because once we identify the things that are important to us, it’s easier to notice them. Once we have clarity about our goals, we start to look for ways to accomplish them. Opportunities might have been there all the time but we didn’t look for them, so we didn’t see them.When you visualize your goals, it forces you to get serious about what you want. Otherwise, there is nothing to visualize but a bunch of half-baked dreams about your future. Visualization takes a hazy idea and turns it into a clear goal. It’s more than a quick fix.How to make it work for you: Clarity requires precision, so it doesn’t do any good to be content with vague ideas of how you want to live your life. Vague goals sound a lot like this: I want to be rich. I want to travel the world. I want to be respected. This is the pseudo-goal crap that will never lead you to success because it’s not based in reality. To gain clarity, you will need to sit down and think about how you want events or relationships to unfold, exactly where you want to end up, and exactly what you need to do to get there.2. Get specificWhen you use visualization to achieve top performance, you see your own ability to perform in difficult or stressful situations. It can help move you beyond your current circumstances. Visualizing encourages leaders to ask “What if?” or “What else?” These types of questions open doors of possibility and opportunity. It’s an invitation to move past the status quo.The very act of giving your brain a detailed and specific portrait of your end goal ensures the release of dopamine, the powerful tool to steer you toward success. If dopamine is associated with rewards, leaders can use this knowledge to help their teams find ways to create a more satisfying work environment. Research has determined that dopamine is produced in anticipation of reward, not as the result of the reward.How to make it work for you: Visualizing the outcome of an event is enough to trigger the production of dopamine. Ask yourself a simple question such as “What do I want this meeting to look like?” and then visualize your performance. Visualize every objection and/or question that is likely to come up in the meeting, and your response to it.If you want to use visualization to achieve top performance, you will need to visualize the entire process: the beginning, middle and end. Take your mind through a situation and simulate how you plan to start, what you will experience and how you will do it.3. Remove uncertaintyUncertainty can rear its ugly head at any time. It may be rooted in lack of confidence, lack of experience or self-limiting beliefs. It is impossible to use visualization to achieve top performance if we move forward with a timid heart and weak voice.The FBI Academy taugh t me to respect uncertainty when it popped up in stressful situations. I never ignored it; instead, I found ways to break its crippling cycle of repetition. It was essential for my job as an FBI agent.It’s also important for your job as a leader, entrepreneur or business owner. Your confidence is a byproduct of your success, not the cause of it. Uncertainty can sabotage your best efforts to move forward unless you nip it in the bud.How to make it work for you: The more familiar you become with the situations, conversations or events that produce your uncertainty, the calmer you will be able to approach the situation. Grit up and acknowledge your doubts so you can excavate the significance of their timing.Write down when you experience uncertainty. Explore what triggers it. Trace the roots all the way back to childhood if needed.4. Experience the right emotionsEmotions are very important if you want to use visualization to achieve top performance. Your brain learns better with emot ions. The memories and experiences that are freighted with emotions stick in your mind. Visualization is a mental simulation of your future performance so you need to cast the right emotion into the equation.The idea behind visualization is to plant false memories into your brain. To be successful, you must remain positive. Your brain will perceive your future performance as more achievable if they are accompanied by a positive emotion.How to make it work for you: When you use visualization to achieve top performance, you’re better prepared for it in real life. You will feel prepared because you’re doing something you’ve already rehearsed many times in your mind. Here are some tips: Feel positive emotions like enthusiasm, pride, happiness, and satisfaction on every step of the way. Let them become ingrained in your psyche. Don’t ignore the obstacles, but don’t give negative emotions the space to fester. Visualize the obstacles you expect to encounter so you’re prepared for them. Imagine what it will feel like when you succeed. From Viktor Frankl: “There’s one reason why I’m here today. What kept me alive in a situation where others had given up hope and died was the dream that someday I’d be here telling you how I survived the concentration camps. I’ve never been here before. I’ve never seen any of you before. Nor have I ever given this speech before. But in my dreams I’ve stood before you in this room and said these words a thousand times.”Like Frankl, you can be successful because you’ve done it a hundred times before, if only in your mind.5. Visualize massive success, but never fantasizeThere is an important caveat about visualization - never fantasize. Your brain is smart enough to tell the difference between peak performance and fantasy. A study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology suggests that positive fantasies can actually sap energy.The same study found that shifting into fantasy mode is most effective when we need to decrease our energy because anxiety is getting the better of us.How to make it work for you: You can dream of becoming a rock star, but make sure you have the talent to make it happen. It’s great to have dreams, but have the self-awareness to know the difference between you at your very best and a fantasy version of what you dream of becoming in life.This article first appeared on SmartBrief. If you enjoyed this article, sign up for SmartBrief’s free e-mail on leadership and management, among SmartBrief’s more than 200 industry-focused newsletters.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Build Your Network and Uncover the Hidden Job Market

Build Your Network and Uncover the Hidden Job Market Build Your Network and Uncover the Hidden Job Market Build Your Network and Uncover the Hidden Job Market Chances are you've heard or seen the phrase hidden job market, which refers to the unadvertised job openings you don't find on major job boards or in print. Especially in a down economy, when greater-than-usual numbers of unqualified candidates apply for advertised jobs, many employers prefer to find candidates through employee referrals, local professional associations, or other hidden channels. You can only find them via word of mouth (or perhaps more accurately with the rise in social media, via someone else's keyboard). This is what I call the new wave of networking. Online or otherwise, networking can pay off big if you're looking for a job, and it should be a part of everyone's job search strategy. Even if you're among the shyest of people, there are ways to get your name and message out without having to undergo a drastic personality transplant. Here are three ways to build your network: Get online now! Do you have a profile on LinkedIn or Facebook? What are you waiting for?!? More employers look beyond the resume and conduct online searches of candidates to determine who can make a good fit for the job and the company. Having a profile on such social networking sites both complements and augments the value you communicate in your resume. Take part in the LinkedIn or Facebook discussion groups that focus on your areas of expertise. That not only shows off your knowledge to a hiring manager, it helps you broaden your network. (Read about ways you can ensure an employer doesn't find anything in an online search that would embarrass or disqualify you.) Get out and meet people. You don't have to hide behind your computer screen. Look around your area for job or industry networking groups, alumni groups from your college, or local chapters of industry associations that meet regularly. Once you're comfortable, interact with the other attendees to share job search experiences and contact information. Got more time to get involved? Take on a volunteer role with the group. Not only can that help build your network, it can serve as an experience you can add to your resume. Offer to help others. Perhaps you've heard of the Golden Rule, Do unto others what you would like to be done unto you. It's a good rule to live by. There are other people out there looking for work, and by giving them a job lead, a contact, or a reference, you're building goodwill among these people and adding to your network. They'll remember and will want to reciprocate when someone gives them such valuable information that led to a job interview or a job offer. But be warned: If you hand out someone's personal contact information before getting their permission, you'll risk ticking them off. So if you don't already have permission, call or email first. (John! I met this guy last night at a networking meeting who could be perfect for that job you're trying to fill. Would it be OK for me to give him your contact information?) Networking is not easy for everyone. But it's an essential element of any job search strategy, and the only way to tap into the hidden job market, which may provide your best chance yet of finding a great job opportunity. What other job networking tips do you find important? Share them with us.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

6 Job Interview Super Foods

6 Job Interview Super Foods 6 Job Interview Super Foods Thats right: preparing nutritionally can potentially make or break your chances of getting hired. Nutrition plays a huge role in how our brain functions, which can affect how we’re able to comprehend and answer questions and think on the spot. If you neglect this absolutely monumental aspect of your health and well-being, your other preparatory efforts  can fall by the wayside. Here are six essential super foods  you may want to consider eating before  a job interview: 1. Omega-3/Fatty Acids Responsible for the healthy functioning of our brains, omega-3 can aid in reducing inflammation, balancing blood sugar, increasing the activity of BDNF in the brain (necessary for new cell growth), and building cell membranes. In our modern world, the leading sources of omega-3 come from wild fish and game, breast milk, seaweed, algae, and eggs hatched from chickens fed a diet of flaxseed and fishmeal. Low levels of omega-3 have been linked to a number of disorders, such as  depression, anxiety, dementia, and various learning disabilities. If salmon for breakfast isnt your cup of tea (although it pairs wonderfully with eggs), consider making a smoothie or adding ground flaxseed to your oatmeal or yogurt parfait. 2. Berries Widely recognized for their antioxidant properties, berries also have a history of improving brain health. A study published in the Annals of Neurology found that those who consumed large amounts of strawberries, blueberries, and other members of the berry family experienced a slower decline in memory and focus.   3. B-12 A key member of the B vitamin family, B-12 is known for supporting a healthy nervous system, metabolic processes, adrenal function, and DNA synthesis. B-12 is also important for increasing energy levels and improving one’s overall mental health. A B-12 vitamin (taken with food to avoid an upset stomach) is a great remedy to ward off sluggishness or to get you fired up for your interview. Unfortunately for us, our bodies don’t produce B-12, so we either need to get it from animal sources, such as eggs, fish, dairy products, and meat, or take it in a supplement form. 4. Spinach Rich in the antioxidant lutein, known to protect against cognitive decline, spinach has also been linked to lower rates of cognitive decline according to a study at Harvard Medical School. The easiest and most enjoyable way to get your dose of greens in the morning is in a smoothie. Add in some berries and you can’t even taste the spinach! 5. Protein Responsible for both satisfying your appetite longer and keeping you alert, protein is a must-have before any interview (or before the start of any day for that matter). When compared to eating a high-carb breakfast, protein knocked it out of the park in terms of keeping people awake as it contains fewer tryptophan levels than carbs. Foods that contain high levels of protein include nuts, beans, fish, meat, and of course, eggs. 6. Water Last but not least on our list is the source of all life, water. Many place too much emphasis on boosting their caffeine levels in the morning and not enough on just plain water intake. The recommended daily water intake is two liters, half a gallon, or eight 8-ounce glasses, and while you dont want to consume all of this right before your interview, make sure to get at least a couple of glasses in.   Side note on caffeine: If you’re used to the caffeine, then have your regular amount of coffee. However, it’s never a good idea to try something new the day of a big event. So if youre looking for something that will give you that edge, don’t over consume on the coffee as it will only give you the shakes and jitters- probably not the edge you were hoping for. Want to get all of the super foods above in one meal? Here are some ideas: Smoothie:  A  smoothie can be  more than just berries and  yogurt (whole milk is preferred). Explore adding in ground flaxseed (omega-3), chia seeds (fiber, protein, omega-3, and one of the most nutritious foods available), lots of spinach or greens, and protein powder. Yogurt: To amp up the health benefits of yogurt, try mixing in flaxseed, chia seed, berries, and other fruit such as banana. Oatmeal: Although high in fiber, lets face it: oatmeal (were talking real oats, not sugar-coated oats that come in that little brown package) is nowhere close to making it on the list of exciting foods to eat. However, theres lots of room for growth for oatmeal and adding in one or more of the suggestions below can turn this boring meal into a gourmet treat. Add in: flaxseed, chia seeds, fruit, nuts (walnuts and almonds best), and even peanut butter for an extra protein boost! Hard-Boiled Eggs: This quick, easy, and gentle-on-the-stomach (for those with the interview jitters) food can be a great add-on to any of the breakfast ideas above. Toast:  A  simple piece of toast (whole grain or sprouted is best), with either a fried egg, avocado, or peanut butter will provide you with the monosaturated fats and protein you need to ace your interview. While youre chowing down, check out these additional job interviewing tips.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

When Following Your Dream Job Is a Bad Idea

When Following Your Dream Job Is a Bad Idea When Following Your Dream Job Is a Bad Idea Following your heart to a dream job? Research, talk to an accountant, consider a tweak to your current job and whether it is really a change of job that will satisfy you.“Do what you love.”We’ve all heard that career advice before and we’d like to think we follow it, or would, if given the chance. But what if you don’t? What if, instead of personal fulfillment, your current job offers a comfortable financial position and provides you with a prestigious title and the perks that go along with it. Is life really too short not to chuck it all to follow your bliss?After years spent following the path set out in their early 20s, many a professional finds himself at midcareer considering if it might be time to follow his heart to a new career. People who have been out of work for an extended period of time may be especially tempted to switch career gears, setting their sights on a new field that is not only more fulfilling but perhaps more promising in terms of job security.Not so fast, say experts. A pathway to bliss (as opposed to a road to ruin) takes clear thinking, planning, research, an open mind and firm financial footing.Sally Palaian, a licensed psychologist, said she has worked with many people who have set out to follow their bliss without looking at their resources in a realistic manner and without considering the impact such a change will have on others in their lives.Palaian recommends seeking guidance from a trusted person who can provide perspective. “While it’s true that often others in our lives tend to snuff out our dreams, they can also serve as a solid foundation to determine the feasibility of our dreams,” she said. “I’d say that following your bliss is a really bad idea when one hasn’t crunched the numbers first with an outside person - accountant; financial planner ; spouse or other objective family member, objective friend or money coach.”Experts also recommend doing extensive research in the field you have set your si ghts on. Empirical research is especially valuable for determining whether you will actually like - : or be suited for - your new career path.“Sure, thinking about running that farm in Vermont makes you happy, but actually understanding what it takes to run a farm - including dealing with insurance, equipment, weather, etc. - isn’t always obvious,” said Darcy Eikenberg, a leadership and workplace coach, speaker and writer. “If you haven’t actually spent a day in someone’s shoes who lives your bliss job, don’t jump until you really know what it is.”Following your bliss isn’t only for the wealthy, but you do need to have a cushion, especially if others are depending on you. Those without the proper financial wiggle room aren’t necessarily trapped in their current situations, but they do need to think about ways in which they can build up their bank accounts before making any kind of professional move. “Successfully following your bliss is limited to those who take care of their financial commitments,” said Eikenberg. “Think about what you can do now to save more money, cut expenses and start building yourself the foundation on which to build your new dreams.”Following a Dream or Escaping a NightmareMaybe the most important thing to consider when following your bliss is what set you off on the journey in the first place. Are you following a dream or running away from a nightmare?“Look inward, and ask yourself whether your discontent with your particular career is simply, ‘Been there, done that, ready for something new?’ Or, is it, ‘I have problems within me that are going to come to the next career?'” asks Marty Nemko, a career coach and the author of ” Cool Careers for Dummies.”Nemko said the next step is to decide whether taking the time to train in a new career and then find a job in that field is worth the inherent risk. More often, he said, what makes people happier when they’re unhappy in a career is not a comp lete change but a tweak.A career tweak can range from improving your skill set at your current company to moving to a new company in the same industry.Indeed, your bliss may be closer than you think, said Nemko. Say you’re a writer who dreams of becoming a nurse. You could go back to school for years, spend a ton of money and maybe, maybe, find a job as a newbie nurse. Or, you can leverage what you know - writing - in the health care field. Another lower-risk avenue to change, he added, is self-employment.In the end, your pathway to bliss may not end in the workplace. Psychotherapist Nancy B. Irwin recommends expanding your definition of bliss in order to achieve a balanced perspective.“Perhaps bliss is putting your child through college and making peace with accepting how you accomplished that enormous feat,” she said. “Many people make enough money at a job, yet their bliss is in their family life, a sport, spirituality or a hobby.”Just remember what Dorothy learned at the end of “Wizard of Oz”:If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with.”

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

ASME Thanks its Volunteers, Launches New Program for ASME Grou...

ASME Thanks its Volunteers, Launches New Program for ASME Grou... ASME Thanks its Volunteers, Launches New Program for ASME Grou... ASME Thanks its Volunteers, Launches New Program for ASME Group Leaders ASME volunteers, like those shown here at the recent ASME Group Leadership Development Conference in Orlando, Fla., are responsible for organizing programs and activities that benefit ASME’s general membership. Since April has been designated National Volunteer Month in the United States, ASME would like to take this opportunity to thank the thousands of members throughout the world who generously devote their time and expertise in support of the Society and its programs and activities. As an organization whose success depends upon the dedicated service of its committed volunteers, ASME truly values the contributions of these volunteers who champion the Societys current endeavors and ensure its future vitality. The work of ASME volunteers benefits the Societys general membership, making possible not only major events such as the International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), the Annual Meeting and the Societys new Engineering Festival (E-Fest) program, but also local ASME activities including section meetings, dinners, workshops, and technical tours. ASMEs volunteers are also the driving force behind the development of the Societys internationally recognized codes and standards. ASME owes a debt of gratitude to its volunteers throughout the world, without whose tireless service we would not be able to function as a world-class engineering organization, said Phil Hamilton, interim executive director of ASME. The celebration of National Volunteer Month seems like the ideal time for ASME staff to thank the Societys many volunteers who are truly the lifeblood of the organization and recognize them for their help and support of ASMEs activities, programs and mission. It is because of them that, after nearly 140 years, ASME continues to thrive and maintain its standing as a leader within the engineering world. It is important that our volunteers know that we value their vital contributions to ASME and the engineering profession. (Left to right) Samson Shepherd, Kushi Sellahennedige, Tran Mah-Paulson, Nishant Trivedi, Johnny Murrell, Caecilia Gotama (currently a member of the ASME Board of Governors) and Daniel Kearney, with Clare Bruff, senior manager, ASME Executive Operations. Extra Caption: Former, current and future Early Career Leadership Intern Program to Serve Engineering (ECLIPSE) interns at the 2018 ASME Group Leadership Development Conference To that end, ASME recently launched a new conference program that is intended to provide guidance and assistance for leaders of ASMEs various groups. Nearly 200 Society volunteers convened last month for the first ASME Group Leadership Development Conference (GLDC), during which members of ASMEs Group Engagement Committee and staff from the Group Pathways and Support (GPS) provided volunteers at the group level with advice on how to ensure the success of their respective ASME groups. The conference also provided attendees who were leaders from ASME sections, technical divisions and research committees with a venue where they could meet and network with their colleagues and peers. The event, which was held March 2-4 in Orlando, Fla., was devised as a place where group leaders could feel engaged with each other and ASME, become better informed about the workings of the Society, and better understand their role within the organization and how they can help move their groups and the organization forward. The conference kicked off with a forum where attendees learned about the Societys strategic planning efforts, followed by sessions that focused on best practices for ASME group operations, assessing and increasing the success of technical divisions and sections, and ways that ASME sections, divisions and committees could improve diversity within their membership. Volunteers who attended the GLDC also had the chance to ask representatives from ASME staff about the reorganization of the Societys group structure that has been taking place over the past few years and find out how these changes within the Society will affect their respective groups. (Left to right) ASME President-Elect Said Jahanmir, Elena Gerstmann, deputy, Executive Operations, and Jeff Patterson, chief operating officer of ASME, discussed ASME’s strategic plan during a special forum at the 2018 GLDC in Orlando, Fla. Speakers taking part in the conference included Said Jahanmir, president-elect of ASME; John Mulvihill, chair of the Group Engagement Committee; Richard Marboe, senior vice president of the Technical Events and Content Sector; Paul Stevenson, senior vice president of the Student and Early Career Development Sector; Jeff Patterson, chief operating officer of ASME; Elena Gerstmann, deputy, Executive Operations, ASME; Timothy Graves, managing director, Technical Conferences and Events; and Elio Manes, director, Group Pathways and Support, among others. To learn more about the 2018 ASME Group Leadership Development Conference program, visit, or contact Ty Booker, Group Pathways and Support, by e-mail at (Photos by Wil Haywood, ASME Public Information)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Business Storytelling Skills for Workplace Success

Business Storytelling Skills for Workplace Success Business Storytelling Skills for Workplace Success Human beings have an innate fascination with storytelling. It begins early in life when parents captivate their young children with bedtime stories. In the oral history tradition, stories passed down facts about one’s past, as well as reinforcing moral lessons for its listeners. But storytelling has moved out of ancient society and into the business sector. It can be an integral part of an organization’s content strategy, and it can help individuals position themselves for workplace success. As marketing, branding, and sales have developed over time, experts see the merit in business storytelling as a way to build customer loyalty and motivate members of an organization. What are Business Storytelling Skills? Storytelling has emerged as a prominent trend in the  business world  as organizations look to enhance brand awareness and loyalty by telling compelling stories about their products and services. Television commercials often use a story angle to position products and services, and companies tap the digital media with the hope of going viral as part of their content marketing strategy. Weaving a tale is not just for businesses. The art of storytelling has become an important component of building a  personal branding strategy  as workers attempt to stand out in a competitive employment market. Employees who develop a compelling storyline have a better chance of advancing within the organization and increasing their compensation. Positioning yourself within the framework of a story can be an important part of a performance appraisal and other documentation of your work. Types of Business Storytelling Skills Creating a Mission Whether for yourself, a team, or a large company, establishing a mission is key to helping you and others focus on core expectations that the world should have for you. Your technical skills, products, and services may change as technology develops, but your mission remains the same. Establishing Corporate ValuesBuilding Mission StatementsBuilding Vision StatementsUnderstanding Hidden NeedsSelf-AwarenessProblem Sensitivity Value Propositions When you have something to offer, and there exist people that need what you have, you must be able to explain the key benefit(s) of what you have to offer them. Often, this is defined in terms of dollars and cents, but those with business storytelling skills know how to talk financial ROI while also arousing one’s deeper emotions. Financial StatementsExplaining ImplicationsCritical ThinkingBusiness StrategySWOT AnalysisCustomer SegmentationKnowing Your AudienceSales Motivation As someone with business storytelling skills, you should be able to make people around you feel empowered. Even if speaking with a client or hiring manager, you want for that person to feel that they’ve  solved their own problems  by hiring you.  Motivation  helps others feel that they can tackle challenges. PositivityResilienceIntegrityCollaborationTeamworkPresentation Skills Branding Branding is taking a mission and embodying that mission with color, images, and more. It is about building a reputation that others want to be a part of. Branding can be used for advertising, as well as for human resources purposes. MarketingAdvertisingGraphic DesignWebsite DesignSocial MediaCharismaPersonality More Business Storytelling Skills PsychologyPublic SpeakingOral CommunicationWritten CommunicationContent MarketingMarket ResearchSearch Engine ResearchBusiness DevelopmentHuman ResourcesCreating a Business PlanResume BuildingSearch Engine OptimizationCopywritingDifferentiationOrganizationProject ManagementLeadershipPhotographyProcess ManagementOngoing ImprovementCreativityQuantitative Data AnalysisQualitative Data AnalysisEmotional IntelligenceConsistencyIntegrationAutomated Marketing SoftwareDigital Asset Management (DAM)Video Marketing Creating Surveys How to Make Your Skills Stand Out Add Skills to Your Resume:  Integrating storytelling elements into  resumes  can help to paint a dynamic picture of achievement and overcoming obstacles and enhance the readability of documents.Highlight Skills in Your Cover Letter:  Telling a brief story of a major accomplishment can be done tastefully in your  letter. As long as you can tell a story in just a few sentences, this is one of the most effective ways of getting a second look.Use Skill Words in Your Job Interview:  The key to  interviewing  is providing a hiring manager with concrete examples of how you made a difference at work. Storytelling is the most engaging and convincing way to convey proof that you have made an impact.Follow Up With a Story:  Even after the interview, your follow-up communications will be more effective if you can tell a brief story. You can emphasize how the interview experience spiked your interest in the job even more and then you can go on to convince the hiring manager why you are the ideal candidate for the job.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Ultimate Manual to Auditor Resume

The Ultimate Manual to Auditor Resume Most jobs in the area require candidates to have completed at least an appropriate certificate program and hold some kind of skilled certification. Resumes are ranked in line with the variety of keyword matches. Your resume should not mention your individual hobbies, unless these have an immediate bearing on your favorite career path. You'll also have better odds of landing an auditing job in case you have skills and experience in your present career which can be transferred across to the audit field. Highlighting your abilities and to-the-point expertise in resume is bound to pull the employer and providing you a prospect of interview. If you'd prefer a career in the health care field with prospects for strong growth, think about becoming a health assistant. Ideally, it should incorporate both essential skills and preferred aptitudes so that you find applicants that are fully competent and know what is necessary to be effective in the position. An auditor might initially discover this to be strange. Know what it requires to develop into an auditor. To find out more on what it requires to be an Auditor, have a look at our complete Auditor Job Description. These auditor resume examples can help you produce a well-written, well-formatted resume that can help you get more interview opportunities, and offer you a better opportunity to nab the job. To stay effective as an internal auditor of a bank, the person must continue to create internal audit abilities. It is very important to note, however, that an external auditor isn't necessarily involved with the detection of fraud. Each audit department is structured a tiny bit differently, and whether you're working on a group of internal auditors or external auditors will affect the particular roles and duties you've got. The typical forensic accounting salary in america is $74,000. What to Expect From Auditor Resume? Along with generally desired attributes, employers wish to be aware of the degree of your specialized knowledge. Each business tends to concentrate on various risks and controls. The capacity to communicate and interact is a crucial quality. Excellent communication abilities and the capability to work well with people at all levels are indispensable. Doing this may just set you in addition to the pile of resumes for a position. Our external auditor resum e sample delivers an excellent starting point to help you produce a top resume. A resume sample is provided below which will be beneficial that you make an impressive and convincing resume. Perfecting your resume is among the most critical elements of landing your perfect project. What You Should Do to Find Out About Auditor Resume Before You're Left Behind If you're in default on your mortgage or facing foreclosure, you might be targeted by means of a foreclosure rescue scam. An Internal Auditor's job is to maintain a check and balance on the selling and purchase of the business. The auditor should have the capacity to remain standing for four hours at one time, be in a position to bend and stoop and utilize safety ladders. Also, when on the ground, an inventory auditor could be asked questions by customers and they have to get ready to reply. Auditor Resume Secrets That No One Else Knows About For instance, you can say I intend to come up with and implement a detailed ac tion program that will ensure all organization needs are satisfied and will determine all weak points within the organization's information system and execute resolution to satisfy information system standards. After learning about the audit services from assorted professionals, it has inspired me to pursue a career in audit due to their capacity to work with numerous customers, learn more regarding the organization and financial circumstances, which has ever been an interest of mine. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional way. Some organizations have the manpower to do freight audit themselves, the manual and tedious efforts needed for a freight audit will normally wind up much costlier than an outsource vendor may be in a position to provide. Most job seekers don't have any idea about ways to make themselves stand besides the crowd. Depending upon the particular situation, there can be a demand for a core group of career internal auditors who don't hold rotat ing positions. In order to raise your opportunity of getting work in internal audit, it's highly recommended to find work experience. Incorporating the erroneous essential things or overly plenty of matters to a resume will probably help you to save from getting the industry job which you desire.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

What You Dont Know About Objective for Resume Samples Could Be Costing to More Than You Think

What You Don't Know About Objective for Resume Samples Could Be Costing to More Than You Think Job seekers starting to compose their resumes should always take a look at the comprehensive resume objective example documents to view how they need to write relevant objectives according to their qualifications. Your resume objective, obviously! Our resume advisors can review your resume and allow you to know what you have to repair. As stated previously have to pick skills that have some relevance to the job that you're applying for. Resume objective samples may be used by students who are interested in a part-time job after classes. You need to use a chronological resume whenever you have extensive work history that's regarding the job you're applying for. Aside from cleaning rooms, you could also be assigned laundry duty. Today's job space is the same as cutthroat competition. You will be provided a definite period of time to accomplish a cleaning task. There's a good deal of competition for jobs for high school students, which means you need to make certain you stick out from the crowd. In a variety of ways, an objective replaces a lot of the detail you would set in your professional experience section. Your objective statement is the very first thing they'll see and read, since it's the very first thing on the webpage. Look to the work description for cues about what things to emphasize here. As a guideline, you don't need to use each bit of the formula for your resume objective. Objective for Resume Samples Options One of his goals is to demonstrate he is a specialist in all sorts of mail room duties. On the contrary, it focuses on the skills you have developed that fit the needs of the job for which you're applying. On the contrary, it highlights your abilities and abilities. Everyone has desirable abilities and experiences to provide employers including you! Each was crafted for a certain position within the gas and oil market. As a result, while your resume objective should consist of information on the career which you want, you also need to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. There's a very long field of career objective examples that can be put in on entry level resumes. If you're looking to submit an application for a customer service job then you ought to use the sample objective made for it. Objective for Resume Samples Can Be Fun for Everyone A well-written one is going to impress on the hiring manager the manners in which you are a best candidate for the job. It is often as easy as stating your preferred job title, or it may show where you've been, and where you aspire to go in your career. Also, in case you frequently change jobs, you might also think ab out a functional resume. A lawyer is just one of the highest paid professional jobs. An objective must be personally-tailored to the employer. You ought to have five objective statements. For instance, it might state some of your previous accomplishments, then move on to the types of accomplishments you want to achieve in the future (ideally, accomplishments you need to achieve for the organization you're applying to work for). In the majority of instances, a resume objective is merely a couple of sentences long. Objective for Resume Samples Options These statements assist you in tailor making your resume for the job you're applying for and hence boosting your odds of getting selected. Possessing a brief statement or overview at the start of your resume is a good way to demonstrate your abilities and experience and show the hiring manager the value you will bring to the position. Sales position where my abilities and experience can effectively be utilized to raise sales revenue. Employing robust action words is vital in persuading a hiring manager to read the remainder of your resume and provide you with an interview. In-depth grasp of the sales process, the capacity to develop strong customer relationships and close sales. This Nursing Resume Objectives will provide you with a clarity about how to compose the resume objective for work in the nursing sector. Lists, as a rule of thumb, are also simpler to write. It's possible to also Simple Resume Template.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Most Popular Mechanical Engineer Resume Sample

The Most Popular Mechanical Engineer Resume Sample Our resume builder provides you with tips and examples on how best to compose your resume summary. Companies are watching out for candidates who aren't only talkers but doers. Do not incorporate any information on your CV which may be deemed controversial. The contents included should be suitably drafted so the recruiter and even your colleagues ought to be in a position to understand it. The odds of being rejected by employers are high once you've got an unprofessional resume. It's necessary to make sure your resume stays unique and extra ordinary. Taking the opportunity to tailor your resume to coincide with the particular demands of a job is quite wise. Thus, to be able to create an enduring impact and get through the interview too, all you will need is a professional resume. The following advice will help you compose a resume which will help you become shortlisted for the work interview. Don't forget to read our tips and advice that you should consider for the work interview. Avoid updating the resume before applying for employment. Don't forget that your specialized field might not be that special enough for you to be the sole capable applicant for the job. While an engineering resume isn't much different from many other career resumes, the most significant element is the way you lay out your resume in such a manner that it's attractive enough for you to be considered for the job. In a couple of statements, it should summarize your prior work experience highlighting the mechanical engineering skills needed for the job that you are applying to. There are a lot of things you want to contemplate when you're writing an enginee r resume. Although engineering job profile encompasses a wide selection of specialties, efficient resume strategies are required for particular disciplines. Freshers in college may apply for various mechanical engineering jobs also. In that instance, it's far better tailor your resume for a mechanical engineering job to coincide with the language of the work offer. An outstanding Mechanical Engineer resume, like this example, will incorporate a variety of impressive skills your employer is searching for in a candidate. You will have the ability to discover various resume samples over the web that may greatly help you. You'd be using resume templates which were designed especially for you. After 90 days, the application is going to be deleted, but you're welcome to begin a new one after you satisfy all requirements. Therefore, including a diverse assortment of particular skill keywords in your resume is vital to boost the possibilities your application gets the attention it deserves. Make your points, outlining why you believe you are excellent for the role. Potential employers don't have enough time to read between lines to learn about your abilities. It's essential to quantify achievements so that hiring managers can observe the effects of your work, the range of your responsibilities and can relate your previous work to their business enterprise. Because the career objective part might be the Initial part of the majority of resumes. Posting work listing is the superior beginning to finding the proper engineer. 10 Helpful Resume Tips and Insights for Electrical Engineer Resumes A resume is a rather important document that will help you to receive your dream job. Mechanical Engineer CV Experienced Mechanical Engineer Resume be sure that you mention your technical abilities and make doubly sure you don't mention something like I understand how to work with Windows. OurA Sample Software Engineer ResumesA are wonderful guides to compose the perfect resume needed to find that distinctive job. To get this kind of engineering resume, you could use the amazing resume templates found here which have been designed particularly for the goal. For jobs in the area of mechanical engineering, an individual can't utilize resumes which were designed for other ordinary jobs. Opportunely, engineering resumes have an extremely straightforward format. Filtering out resumes for mechanical engineers is simple when you start with the ones which look strange. The Fight Against Mechanical Engineer Resume Sample You will see the difference. Each part of the resume should stick out on its own, yet still flow as part of the entire document. If you're changing work in the very same field, it is always recommended to use a reverse chronological resume format. Again, make certain you have a minumum of one case of a time you demonstrated every one of the top five skillsets listed here. Whatever They Told You About Mechanical Engineer Resume Sample Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Change bat teries have to be completed in a delimited area with suitable indications and equipments. Hence a great RF engineer resume is quite essential to receive an ideal job that could fulfill the requirements of somebody. Mechanical Engineers are anticipated to spot and supply real solutions to equipment problems within an organization or facility.