Sunday, December 29, 2019

Key Ways for Boomers to Land a Flexible Job That Fits Your Life

Key Ways for Boomers to Land a Flexible Job That Fits Your LifeKey Ways for Boomers to Land a Flexible Job That Fits Your Life4Flexible work is attractive to people for a number of different reasons, whether its having a flexible schedule, working from home, or working part-time instead of full-time. But those reasons may vary depending on your generation, according to a recent survey from of over 3,000 people interested in flexible work.When comparing respondents who identified as baby boomers or the silent generation versus those who said they were millennials, there were some notable points of differentiation.Different Reasons Generations Value Flexible WorkWhen asked why they value work flexibility, boomers and silent generation respondents were much more likely than millennials to identify as caregivers for another loved one, to have chronic physical issues or illnesses, and to live in a rural area.On the other hand, millennials were more likely to identify as introverts, trave lers or digital nomads, and students. They were also twice as likely to cite mental illness as one reason they value flexible work options.When it comes to why they work, both groups said paying for basic necessities was the main reason, but secondary reasons also differed boomers and the silent generation said they work because they enjoy working, while millennials said paying for travel was their second most important reason for working.Where the Generations Intersect on Work FlexibilityDespite these differences, each generation is clearly most interested in flexible work options, such as working from home and having a flexible schedule.mora than 60% in both groups said theyd be more productive workers if they worked remotely. Both groups are most interested in working from home 100% of the time, and both groups are about equally interested in freelancing.Less than 10% of each group said they would choose the office as their preferred place to get important work done. The vast maj ority would rather work from home, a coffee shop, the library, or another place outside the office. And both groups said a critical factor for accepting a job is to find the work meaningful.Living Your Values with Flexible WorkDepending on your situation and lifestyle needs, a flexible job may be just the ticket. But to be successful in a flexible job search and land a flexible job,youll need to be smart in your approach. Heres how to find a flexible job that fits your lifestyle1. Focus on your qualifications rather than your needs.Job seekers, especially those with difficult circumstances at home that necessitate a more flexible job, are often too quick to explain to employers why they need flexibility at work. Emotional and personal reasons for needing flexibility arent ideal to share with a potential employer.Stick to more professional topics of conversation, such as your experience, training, skills, and aptitude for working well in a flexible environment. If an employer asks wh y you want a flexible job, keep your reasons strictly professional. For example, youll be more productive or youll have less stress from commuting and be better able to focus.2. Pinpoint your search on jobs that truly fit your lifestyle.Each type of flexibility has benefits and challenges and you should assess them before deciding which flexible work arrangement might be ideal for you. Heres a quick rundown of the pros and cons of the most common flex typesRemote work Youll ditch the commute and can be more productive, healthier, and happier, but youll work alone much of the day and may be distracted by things at home.Flexible or part-time schedules Your work will better align with your life, but youll also have to work diligently to stay productive and focused if your hours shift regularly. Part-time hours may also bring reduced income.Freelancing Youll have more control over when, where, how, how much, and with whom you work. But youll also be responsible for business administrati on tasks, such as paying employment taxes, getting your own health insurance, and finding work and projects.3. Showcase your best qualifications in applications and when talking to people.If you have previous experience working remotely or flexibly, it should be clearly denoted on your resume and in your cover letter. Skills like being able to work independently, written and verbal communication, comfort with technology, and focus should also be leveraged in application materials.When youre talking to friends, family, and networking contacts about your job search, dont just ask what they do for a living- ask them how they do it. Youll likely find that more people work flexibly than you knew, and you can ask them how they landed their own flexible jobs and what tips they have for you.4. Know where to look for flexible and remote jobs.Certain companies and jobs are more likely to offer flexibility than others. Some of the most common remote and flexible jobs areAccountantProgram Manag erTeacher/FacultyWriterConsultantEngineerProject Managergeschftliches miteinander Development ManagerAccount Manager/Account ExecutiveTutorDeveloperCustomer Service RepresentativeSales RepresentativeAnalystEditorIn researching 50,000 companies with flexible jobs, the following companies have offered the mostKelly ServicesUnitedHealth GroupATTReal StaffingAetnaRobert Half InternationalHiltonAjilonSAPAccounting PrincipalsKforceCyberCodersKaplanPearsonAtrium HealthLeidosAnthem, Inc.DellTEKsystemsAFIRMWhile different generations may have different reasons for seeking and valuing flexible work, one thing is clear all generations benefit from flexible work arrangements. And with current employment trends favoring job seekers, now is a great time to be seeking jobs that offer work flexibility.Browse Open Flexible Jobs

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Personal Injury Paralegal Skills and Abilities

Personal Injury Paralegal Skills and AbilitiesPersonal Injury Paralegal Skills and AbilitiesPersonal injury paralegals assist personal injury lawyers in all aspects of personal injury litigation from case inception through appeal. Jamie Collins, a paralegal for Yosha Cook Shartzer Tisch in Indianapolis, Indiana, and founder of The Paralegal Societyrelates the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a personal injury paralegal. Below is information on the role of paralegals in the area of personal injury law including daily responsibilities, challenges, and tips. Client Service A paralegal working on personal injury/wrongful death cases must know how to interview and screen prospective clients. The paralegal must review a file to determine what the clients case involves and to determine its current status. Medical Analysis Personal injury paralegals must understand the medical aspects of a case to ascertain which medical records and bills to acquire and to determine if f uture cost projections or experts are required. The paralegal must be familiar with medical terminology and know how to prepare medical chronologies, medical expense itemizations, deposition summaries, and demand packages. A paralegal will address prescription medications and identify which ones may be related to a clients claim. This means understanding the typical nerve root distribution pattern for injuries involving radicular symptoms (pain that radiates from the spine into a persons extremities), becoming familiar with the human anatomy, and gaining knowledge of various types of injuries (e.g., if they rumliche lage permanent implications or may necessitate future surgery or lifelong expenses). Drafting Skills Drafting skills should be part of a personal injury paralegals capabilities. A paralegal should be able to draft discovery responses and assert all necessary objections to ensure that they are nearly perfect prior to the attorneys review. The paralegal must also prepa re witness and exhibit lists, draft motions, final instructions, verdict forms, and be ready to tackle writing projects. Trial Preparation Personal injury paralegals are well-versed in the trial realm. Important tasks include witness preparation (helping to prepare the clients for trial) and preparing voir dire outlines, opening and closing statements, and witness outlines. A paralegal often determines the exhibits to be used and prepares them for viewing. Trial Personal injury paralegals play an important role at trial. At trial, the personal injury paralegal may perform the following functions Assist the attorney with the entire voir dire process (e.g., taking notes, striking, and selection of jurors)Pull and pass exhibits to the attorney as neededAct as a liaison to the client throughout trialEnsure the attorney does not inadvertently waive an objection during trial by allowing certain evidence to be read into the recordCommunicate with the bailiff or court reporter if is sues arise or information needs to be sharedBring witnesses into the courtroom when it is their turn to testifyRework exhibit binders if an exhibit is added or needs to be removed prior to presenting it to the jury (this is an event which often transpires just outside the courtroom when a last minute issue arises with an exhibit) Help the attorney to elicit key pieces of testimony from each witness based upon personal knowledge of the caseAssist with all aspects of trial strategy and act as a second set of eyes and ears (and another legal mind) in the courtroom It is also helpful to know the trial rules in the relevant geographic area, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and the Federal Rules of Evidence for trial purposes. Trials are very exciting. As with any area of litigation, a personal injury paralegal must also have the following characteristics An excellent multi-taskerOrganized and efficientA proficient writerCapable of prioritizing and reprioritizing tasksWilling to lear n new material regularlyDetail-orientedAble to work at a fast paceAccurate and consistentWilling to assume full ownership of all assigned workWell-spoken and personablePoised and professionalA positive attitude

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Deal with Job Search FOMO

How to Deal with Job Search FOMOHow to Deal with Job Search FOMO New year, new you- new job . At least, that may be the case for coworkers and friends who are job hunting and exploring new career options as we tip-toe into 2019. When the start of a new year rolls around, many people see their friends, family, and coworkers embrace the saying, new year, new me, and make big changes in their lives, from personal lifestyle adjustments to career transformations , says Michael Steinitz, executive director of staffing firm Accountemps . But if youre bedrngnis on the new-year-new-job bandwagon, you might feel a sense of FOMO- fear of missing out- as you watch others take on new jobs and challenges.The feeling of FOMO is totally normally and is the same whether your neighbor buys a new car or a sibling gets a new job, says Madelyn Mackie , certified career management coach and trainer. You might put yourself in their places and think, Wouldnt it be nice if I had more mone y, a flexible schedule , a shorter commute, a nicer boss? Its just human nature. If youre feeling job-search FOMO, dont despair Here are four things you can do instead.First and foremost, do not let FOMO, jealousy, or bitterness ruin a friendship, Mackie says. Instead, support your friends and co-workers in their quest by asking how you can help, she suggests. For example, you might be able to introduce them to peers in your network- or help them prepare for their interview. It wont hurt to brush up on your skills eitherFOMO can be overwhelming. But dont make any changes based on what others are doing, warns Steinitz, who adds that, everyone has different reasons for needing or wanting a change in employment, and their situation is different from your own. Steinitz suggests if you suddenly feel an urge to change jobs or careers, that you take a moment to ask yourself why. Is it for career growth ? To reduce your commute time? Earn greater compensation? he says. Then, consider whet her these things can be addressed at your current company.As youre watching others apply for new jobs and make changes, ask them what they have learned during the process and what they wish they had put in place sooner, Mackie says. Maybe they wished they had used LinkedIn to build a strong network, or taken advantage of professional development opportunities from their employer, or kept their resume up to date. Once you have their answers, you can use them to enhance your job- or a job search.If you have concluded its time for a new challenge, Steinitz suggests speaking to your boss before you jump ship. See if theres anything that can be done to improve your current situation, like taking on stretch assignments or enrolling in courses to further your skills and experience, he says. You may find you dont need to leave your company after all.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How to Sell Yourself During a Job Interview

How to Sell Yourself During a Job InterviewHow to Sell Yourself During a Job InterviewWhat does it mean to perform well during an interview? Well, youll need to show that you have the right background and experience, as well as being a good match for the role and the companys culture. Think of this as an amped-up, in-person version of the same work you did on the job application to obtain an interview. But youll need to do more than check off the boxes on your interviewers list - you want the person you speak with to feel excited about making an offer. That means selling yourself to interviewers, to make it clear that youre a strong candidate. Sound overwhelming? Heres how to get started. Carry Yourself With Confidence If you feel unsure about yourself during the interview, itll show. Do everything you can to outwardly project confidence when you meet with interviewers. What you say in response to questions is essential (more on that later) but how you say it, as well as your ov erall appearance and how you carry yourself, is also meaningful. Here are a few things to keep in mind Mind Your Body Language Are you slumped in the chair? Fidgeting? Avoiding eye contact? unterstellung no-nos can make you appear unfocused, uninterested in the job, or unsure of yourself. Maintain good posture, make eye contact when you shake hands, and sit in a position that radiates engagement with the conversation. Here are body language tips to follow during your next interview. Watch Your Word Choices Nerves can make verbal tics even more prominent. Try to avoid saying um or like too much- and, curb any tendency you have to engage in up-talk- speaking with a rising tone at the end of each sentence. Uptalk is a speech pattern which can make you seem immature. Recording yourself practicing interview questions- or having a friend practice with you- can help you identify these habits. Choose an Industry and Interview-Appropriate Outfit There is no one answer for what to wear during an interview. Do wear something youre comfortable in (if you have an itchy seam or keep tugging at a hemline, interviewers may notice) but also choose an outfit thats suitable for the specific interview. Whats appropriate for an interview at a fashion magazine, tech start-up, and retail job differs. Practice Answers, but Make Sure to Develop Ones That Are Specific and Memorable Its good to practice what youll say in response to common interview questions. Interviewers will expect you to be prepared. But just because the questions are common, doesnt mean your answers should be Remember you want to sell yourself during the interview, and no one is eager to buy a humdrum product. Aim to be memorable, so your responses stick in the interviewers memory, even days after a conversation. As you practice your responses, keep these tips in mind Be specific when you give an example. Dont just say, My work on that project saved the company money. Tell interviewers how much money and what y ou did to save it. Avoid vague answers Tell a story as you relate something you have done or experienced. Its easy to say youre a team-playing, detail-oriented self-starter. These buzzwords come up in job listings, but its your job to translate them into stories about yourself. That proves you have the quality. So instead of saying Im a self-starter, say, When I came on board, there was a paper- and digital-based workflow for the monthly report. I researched, and removing the paper-based workflow resulted in 10 percent savings and also removed duplicate work. I presented my findings to the executive team, and we transitioned to a new, digital-only gebtheit the following month. The staff was relieved, and were all happy to spare the environment. Keep It brief in your replies but answer the direct question. Dont ramble in your answers. Its better to pause for a second to frame your thoughts than dive in and wind up babbling for minutes upon minutes. Be respectful of interviewers time , and pay attention to cues. (If interviewers seem bored, they probably are - wrap it up). Following these strategies will help you avoid bland responses. Know What Interviewers Want In some ways, what interviewers want is obvious a candidate who can do the job well, and fit in with the company. But this will vary across positions, industries, and companies. To gain insight into employer wants and needs, research the company and industry. If its been a while (say, since you wrote your cover letter) analyze the job description. Think always What can I do for the company? Will you help them sell more widgets, resolve customer complaints faster, streamline the workflow, or make sure customers are happy? Figure out how youll be beneficial, then make sure its clear in your interview question response. Put Your Strengths on Display Interviews are not the time for modesty Rather, its a moment when its appropriate to say I did XYZ or My work helped do ABC. Avoid saying we and make sure to mention your accomplishments. If this feels uncomfortably like bragging, consider framing accomplishments in terms of other peoples comments My co-workers voted me best team player two years running.In my annual review, my manager was grateful for my organizational abilities. Follow these steps, and youll be sure to impress interviewers with your confidence and suitability for the position.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The War Against American Resume

The War Against American Resume Make koranvers that any on-line profiles are updated and reflective of your targets and professionalism. All the information that you include should benefit from your skill set and be relevant to the job youre applying for. Every undertaking will introduce some non-project benefits. Zetys resume templates are made with the assistance of recruiters and stick to the best practices in HR. To stspecies with, in Britain the document which you use to apply to get a job is known as a CV. In the usa, the resume is the most often requested document for the majority of positions. For newcomers to the United States of america, it is crucial to understand USA resume format expectations. In the end, utilizing the ideal USA resume format will help to better your chances of landing that critical interview that results in a job in the usa. It is possible to use our resume building software to produce your own from scratch. Utilizing free online resume templ ates can help you to make a more professional resume. Moreover there are several resume templates Microsoft Word to pick from it is really hard to land on that 1 link which will actually do the job for you. In case the template appears different than the example it could be because you dont have the right font. What is Actually Happening with American Resume Lets look at a few of the variations you may run into. When writing your statement, it is necessary to take into consideration where youre in your professional progression. Typically, the job itself would request the ideal documents, so there is no space for confusion. You just need to have a present picture of missing person and make a list of a number of important truth about the individual. Want to Know More About American Resume? The health care industry can be quite competitive. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. In lots of the Schengen nations, you can arrive and search for jobs straight away, or when you prefer to, apply for positions before you leave the United States. Various kinds of work in the food service industry require resumes with lots of the exact same skills. American Resume - the Conspiracy There are several resume writing guidebooks offered on the market which may help you. The American resume is normally a one-page document and gives an overview of your work experience. A simple American resume primarily includes the next information. Now, lets have a peek at what the CV intends to accomplish. There are many points you ought to know in making American resume samples. Luckily there are several exciting avenues its possible to exploreon your European job search. It is possible to say thats quite opposite of functional resumes that are very traditional. The Pain of American Resume Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. One of the very first things to think about on your European job search is to receive your resume properly optimized. Before you begin applying for jobs in Europe, start with getting your resume fit. The absolute most recent job ought to be at the very top of your resume, and then you need to work your way to your earliest work experience. Where to Find American Resume On the flip side, once the work applicant has strong experience, there isnt any need to depend on the academic training any longer and it doesnt need to get mentioned. If you dont have much or any education experience, its simple to locate classes online for minimum money that may help you in the skills you require for the job youre pursuing. In a CV, as an example, if youre asking for work in education, you may want to place your teaching experience near the top of your CV. Academic jobs like researcher, professor, teacher usually take a CV. The concept is basically to supply a short, interesting and concise overview of your career and techniques. Before you reduce a work fee, b e sure tore creating an incredible exchange. A lot of people dont like their existing job or career. If youre attempting to obtain work in accounting or finance you require averystrong resume. If you move abroad for work, you will shortly discover that everybody requires a CV. It is possible to even include things like unrelated experiences, as you never understand what unique background an employer could be on the lookout for. Its very vital to comprehend the type of resumes preferred by the establishment that you wish to work for. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a possible employer gets of us. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that will allow you to get your fantasy job. Normally, the quickest way to decline is via phone. The waiter resume example is easily adapted to clearly show your private experience. However much or what type of work experience youve got, theres a resume format that is likely to make your qualifications shine.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Quintessential Handbook to Custom College Papers Online

The Quintessential Handbook to Custom College Papers Online Naturally, you might be considering other writing companies which provide custom essays for sale. Our customized essay writers, editors and every personnel that weve in our company are attempting to supply you with the very best tafelgeschirr that we have the ability to offer you. When it has to do with writing products, however, there may be no compromises. Take into account the research you must do and the last phases, such as formatting and editing. Our custom essays and research papers are almost always original and meet our clients requirements together with academic standards. The customized essay writing services we deliver are certain to be of the best quality. A custom writing service can easily be found on the internet. Any custom writing service tends to address professionals. So if youre trying to find the very best custom essay achieved by true professionals, ParamountEssays is the suitable choice. Our co mpetent writers are here in order to help you in solving any academic undertaking. The reviews of our loyal customers will provide you the clue. When it has to do with providing original and distinctive content, trust our dedicated and qualified writers to do precisely that. Regardless of what you have to be done, no matter when you require, we are here in order to help you. Therefore, should you happen to have any questions do not be afraid to ask. If you are searching for a place to have a high-quality customized essay, youre at the proper place. When you go to college, you face several drastic changes in your daily life, and it typically takes lots of mental effort to handle them properly.You are going to receive a fantastic price Few people think that getting a top quality paper at a ritterlich price is possible. Theres a reason why over half of our clients return to order again. You could search for the perfect on-line service somewhere else, keeping the mixture of qua lity and price in mind or you may quit searching at the moment and turn to us for help instead. Customized essay papers, on the flip side, are different. Youre not told to do a custom writing essay just so its possible to show that youve got an immense grasp of writing materials. Customized essay writing online is that which we do best. Your legit customized college essay is going to be delivered direct to your inbox within your preferred time frame, prepared to be printed or emailed to your professor.If it doesnt, then you want to be aware that the essay you write will be impacted. In reality, in comparison to all the other kinds of assignments, including speeches, presentations, research papers, and so forth, the essay is easily the most common one. To ensure your essay is all up to the standard, you must employ the help of expert essay writers that are good at delivering custom made essays. It will never be re-sold and will never appear anywhere on the Internet. All you h ave to do is consult with an expert customized essay writing service like ours that is guaranteed to submit all of your assigned work in time. The majority of them, also provide custom essay writing services, meaning you are able to offer clear instructions as soon as it regards the paper you order, and the writer responsible for your essay will follow them closely. In any case, an excellent command of the English language has an important function. Or obviously, you could choose the stress from the situation altogether and hire Academized to write you an expert customized essay.Its a fact that a customized essay paper writing task needs huge understanding. You will receive the paper you need if you want it. In the same way, each of the output made for original custom made essay is solely for the customer who requested that specific paper. Dont be worried if the paper you received doesnt meet all your expectations.