Thursday, July 30, 2020

Ageism The Disgrace of Generational Generalizations

Ageism The Disgrace of Generational Generalizations As of late, I addressed somebody a couple of years more youthful than I am who reprimanded ageism for his joblessness. I reacted unequivocally, Well, obviously, youre not finding a new line of work when you are hefting around that vitality. Abdication is usually determined by the conviction that our absence of achievement is because of conditions outside our ability to control. We cannot succeed in light of the fact that we are excessively old, excessively fat, excessively youthful, a lady, a moderately aged white man, and so forth. At the point when we accept this, we surrender. We quit yearning, revolting, endeavoring, learning, and developing. In the programs we run at Inspired Work, I get the opportunity to see individuals at their most optimistic. I get the chance to see their certainties and what they need to achieve on the planet. From that vantage point, I can likewise observe that physical age has little to do with development, worth, or ones capacity to contribute. Indeed, even a youngster can turn into an old fart, since what we accept decides if we are new or dated. The Reality of Age My very own considerations on age started to change soon after I propelled Inspired Work. It was 1992. I was sitting in the assembly hall at the Beverly Hills Hotel close to Boyd Willat, the creator of Day Runner and numerous other effective endeavors. We were individuals from The Inside Edge, which was something of a morning meal club for human likely pioneers. We met each Tuesday morning to hear creators talk and to associate with any semblance of Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Barbara De Angelis, and others. It was a strong encounter for a newcomer like me. On this specific morning, I happened to look toward the passageway of the room when a magnetic old woman strolled in with a company. A somewhat wicked laughter filled her face, which was framed by curly dim locks. I went to Boyd and asked, Who is that character over yonder? He reacted with a touch of amazement, Thats Emily Coleman. Many think about her as the grandma of the human possible development. I had no clue about what that implied however was constrained to present myself. Minutes after the fact, I was before Emily. After I presented myself, her grin augmented. Goodness, Ive found out about you! she said. Ive been anticipating meeting you. Emily speedily wrote out a note at the gathering table and gave it to me. Heres my telephone number! I felt it raunchy to peruse the note before her. Thus, I held up until I had come back to my seat close to Boyd before opening it. It read: Youre charming! Lets get together! Our companionship end up being a defining moment for me. I experienced childhood in a fierce supportive home. For years, Emily was my self-named mother. Emily wound up took part in our next Inspired Work program not long after our underlying gathering. There, I learned she was somebody who delighted in all her years whether she was 20, 50, or 70. Emily was composing a book at the time, Growing Old Disgracefully. She believed that so as to remain youthful and imperative, we should be happy to break the entirety of our restrictions, outperform our constraints, and never surrender to average quality. In the beginning of our Inspired Work programs, Emily was part of the help group. She had a remarkable capacity to move both love and disappointment. Emily led the primary naked experience bunch in the United States, and she demanded disclosing to us anecdotes about it in distinctive and intense detail. It was anything but difficult to imagine Emily encompassed by youngsters as she amused them with accounts of connecting blossoms to her pubic hair since she didn't have anything else to wear. Indeed, she left a significant number of us slack-jawed â€" yet she had liberated herself. Around Emily, I discovered that chuckling, amusingness, and declining to pay attention to yourself also are critical to keeping yourself fundamental. Emily instructed me that the second we are lured into turning out to be casualties and saints is the second we turn old. She instructed me that we become old farts the second we quit feeding our minds. Following her to some degree crude foray into human potential, Emily went on to help thousands of individuals find cherishing and satisfying connections. She composed books about associating with others, and she stirred up our sensibilities about what it intended to adore somebody in the cutting edge time. We had a custom. I would head to Newport Beach and cross the minuscule extension to Balboa Island. Each time I strolled into her home, Emilys eyes lit up. She detonated with euphoria. I recall one especially groundbreaking second when I asked, Why are you so energized with me? Since you have a blessing, she said. Changing the world isnt for the hesitant, and it very well may be a desolate ride. I see you. I was accustomed to getting honors during our projects, however scarcely any comprehended what it took to accomplish my work. Two years prior, I had a progression of bits of knowledge about work. I realized that in the event that I accomplished something with those bits of knowledge, it would change the world. Pushing ahead required relinquishing the state of affairs, shedding past convictions about my own profession way, and finding a completely new emotionally supportive network. It was lonely work, and Emily got that, yet she likewise helped me discover probably the best individuals on the planet to tutor and back me. When Emilys wellbeing started to fail, we moved our visits from Balboa Island to helped living. I strolled a few doors down with her once when an old person on a walker sneered as we passed. She snarled, Go get another person, you old lech. My heart has a place to this guy, my child! â€" At whatever point somebody says, I am excessively old, consider Emily. At whatever point somebody says, Im excessively youthful, consider Taylor Wilson, who assembled a combination reactor in his folks carport. At whatever point somebody says, Im excessively frail, consider Stephen Hawking. David Harder is the originator of Inspired Work.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Should I Become a Real Estate Agent

Should I Become a Real Estate Agent Should I Become a Real Estate Agent? How does one get into the real estate business? How much does a Real Estate Agent make early on? Is it possible to do it part-time? Whether you’re thinking of a new career or trying to add an extra source of income, real estate is definitely an industry that can support both. Of course, granted that you’re prepared to invest a lot of time and energy into getting started. After all, it is yourself that’s going to be your primary asset, and in order for you to succeed, you’ll need to market yourself really well and stay patient. Having said that, here’s a few things to take note of to get yourself started on your real estate career: Get licensed First off, secure a Real Estate License. Keep in mind, though, that most states have state-specific requirements. Therefore, it’s better to check with your local commission onset so that you can sign up only for the required online or in-person pre-license real estate courses in your market. Nowadays, the most efficient and flexible way to get trained for licensure is online, since web-based courses enable you to study at your own pace at any time. Just make sure that the training you’ve enrolled yourself in is coming from an accredited real estate Pre-license educator and that the topics they’re covering are up to date. Take the state exam Once you’ve completed the required hours of pre-license training, you will need to take the state’s official exam to become a licensed real estate salesperson. Make sure to have your certificate of completion from an approved provider on-hand when you’re ready to take the exam. Exam dates fill up fast so make sure to reserve your spot with plenty of time to prepare. Where and how do you start? You passed your exam, congrats! New agents always work under the supervision of an established broker. Real estate brokers offer agents marketing support and legal protection. Interview with at least three different brokerages before settling with one. Some agents prefer big brokerages because they are well-known and it helps with credibility. Others pick smaller firms because they’re more flexible. Start-up expenses Even though you’ll be working under the umbrella of a broker, real estate agents are essentially independent contractors. You will most likely need to pay for your own marketing and business expenses like business cards, sale signs, open house signs and website launch. Consider getting your broker’s approval before creating assets with their logo. It’s their credibility after all and in your best interest to develop a positive, long-lasting relationship. Startup costs can be tough to manage, especially if this is your secondary source of income. Take your time and build the best brand you can. The success of your business is reflective of the time and energy you’re willing to spend to create it. How much can I make once I settled in? This is a commission-based industry which means profit can vary depending on your client list or the price of the properties in your bucket. At first, you may go months without seeing a steady paycheck or if you play your cards well, there’s a chance you’ll be able to see your income ramp up after just three months. The key is thinking long-term and focusing on building lasting relationships. The industry works on referrals, so it might very well be your first few clients that will bring you all the other ones. So focus on maintaining positive relationships amongst new and existing clients. It’s a smaller world than you think. Should I Become a Real Estate Agent Should I Become a Real Estate Agent? Ever thought of being a real estate agent? It may look fun and easy on TV, but there’s lot of hard work and responsibility involved. The relationship between agents and clients is regulated by state laws, which prescribe specific duties agents must fulfill. But real estate a rewarding career that allows you to explore and analyze real estate and help people navigate one of the biggest transactions of their lives. The Pros and Cons Some things could be pros for one person and cons for someone else. It depends on your personality and what you want. The pros of being a real estate agent include: Flexibility: This isn’t your usual 9 to 5 job. You set your own hours and decide how much you need to work to achieve your goals. Variety: Agents wear different hats and juggle different tasks and clients all in one day. Creativity: Designing marketing materials, implementing promotional campaigns, and staging houses can be a lot fun. You get to be creative while earning money. You’re the boss: You’ll draft a business plan, allocate resources, create marketing materials, generate leads, and control the growth of your business. You’ll have control over most of the components of your business. Freedom: As an agent, you get to create your own style, develop your brand, design your marketing plan, and run your business the way you want to. The cons of being a real estate agent include: You’re mostly on your own: Your sponsoring broker will help with advice and office equipment, but basically, you’re running your own small business. That’s a lot of freedom but also a lot of responsibility. Slow start: It may take some time to start making money. You’ll need to have some money saved up when you start. Hard work and irregular hours: You have to hustle to drum up business. While you’re helping your clients, you’re also promoting yourself and prospecting for new clients. Clients and customers often want to talk at odd hours, in the evenings, and on weekends. Open houses are often held on Sunday afternoons. Irregular pay: Your take home pay can vary from month to month. An agent’s income comes from commissions, a percentage on the sales you closed that your share with your sponsoring broker. Good Reasons to Become a Real Estate Agent Real estate agents are super busy simultaneously handling multiple tasks, clients, and properties, so you’d better have good reasons to become an agent. Some might include: You love real estate: You better really like real estate, or else why are you even considering being a real estate agent. You love helping people: An agent is an advocate and counselor for his or her client. You provide expert advice and guide families through a stressful, complicated process involving their home and lots of money. You want to solve problems: There’re many moving parts in a sales transaction, and it’s the agent’s job to handle it smoothly. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to solve problems, marshal resources, and negotiate deals. You love to learn: The real estate industry is always changing with the market and the trends. Since being a real estate agent means providing expert advice, you need to constantly be learning. You’re a great promoter: You’ll need strong salesmanship skills to be a successful agent. Agents handle most of their own advertising, which means selling yourself as a real estate expert, your firm, neighborhoods, your clients’ houses, and your buyer clients’ offers. Bad Reasons to Become a Real Estate Agent There are also some not so good reasons to get into the real estate biz: You want to just work part time: Some agents work part time, but if you want be successful, you have to commit. You want to make a lot of money: Don’t count on making boat loads of money. Some agents in specific markets and specialties may become millionaires, but not the average real estate agent. You want an easy gig: Real estate is not as easy and glamorous as it may seem on TV. There’s a lot of hard work and perseverance required to be successful. If you’ve decided that real estate is the career for you, the first thing you’ll need to do is sign up for a real estate prelicense course. There’s no easier way to do that than with online real estate programs from These courses are so convenient, you can complete them on your schedule, at your pace, whenever you have internet. Take the first step and enroll now!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Best Gig Resume Writing Service -Finding the One

<h1>Best Gig Resume Writing Service - Finding the One</h1><p>The best gig continue composing administration in South Africa is the one that has the most new and imaginative thoughts. This is the thing that each hopeful essayist needs yet they overlook a certain something: their planned customers don't should be masterful virtuosos or imaginative individuals in general.</p><p></p><p>The customer of a composing administration, consistently the customer, doesn't need an innovative author. They need a decent and dependable one. They are increasingly intrigued by an assistance that gives them extraordinary substance that addresses their problems.</p><p></p><p>There are many composing administrations accessible in South Africa. The best one of all will be one that gives all of you the important data you have to assist you with your resume writing.</p><p></p><p>They will give you the names and contact subtleties of the individuals who oversee them. It would be better on the off chance that you discover them by and by as opposed to looking the internet.</p><p></p><p>To ensure that the administration you are recruiting has acceptable notoriety in the business, ensure that they are legitimate and have the correct certifications. Ensure that you request references. Request tests of past activities and assignments.</p><p></p><p>Finding the best gig continue composing administration in South Africa is one of the most troublesome things you should do. So how would you go about it? It isn't troublesome, it is very simple.</p><p></p><p>Now you comprehend what the customers need and what to search for in a gig continue composing administration. When you have discovered the administration that has the best gig continue composing administration in South Africa, you will appreciate it and keep on doing so.</p>

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

10 Resume Must-Haves

10 Resume Must-Haves TweetFor a great resume its important to include these 10 factors: 1. A clear focus on a specific role or type of job and how you are well qualified for it. 2. Emphasis on what you most want employers to remember about you the top reason(s) that make you stand out as the best person for the job. Think of these as your key selling points. 3. Accomplishments/results/impact. How did you make a difference for your past employers? Its not enough just to list your duties thats just a job description, and it wont sell you. 4. Skimmability. If a busy recruiter looks at your resume for just 10 seconds, what will they notice? Make sure your key selling points and other essential qualifications pop off the page. Formatting such as bullets and boldface type should be used judiciously to call attention to your most important messages. 5. Keywords. Find them by analyzing job postings. The most important keyword is your desired job title. Other important keywords are the most crucial qualifications for the job, such an MBA, channel marketing or JavaScript. 6. The right sections in the right order for your unique situation. Strategically choose to include the sections that work for you, in the order that works best for you. For example, if youre a recent graduate or seeking a role in the higher education field, then your Education section should probably be near the top. Formatting is especially important and tricky when youre revising your resume for a career change. The only required sections are Name, Contact Information and Experience. Additional sections to consider are: Summary, Core Competencies (or Expertise), Education, Skills (or Technical Skills), Awards, Affiliations, Volunteer Experience, Additional Experience, and Interests (if relevant and/or brand-enhancing). 7. Formatting that works well in Applicant Tracking Systems. An ATS is a system that reads resumes and uses the information to fill in a standardized candidate profile. It then scores the resume according to how well it matches the job opening. The profiles that score highestmaybe the top 10-15%may be read by human resources personnel to identify potential candidates. ATSs are easily confused and may jumble or reject your resume if you include unusual fonts or symbols, nonstandard section headings (like Relevant Roles instead of Experience), or place crucial information in headers, footers, text boxes or graphics, none of which will be read by an ATS. Dont use this kind of formatting. 8. Good, strong verbs, especially at the beginning of each bullet item in your Experience section. Heres a good list. 9. Clear, concise, correct writing. With so many other resumes in the running, a confusing or wordy one may end up being discarded to save time. As for the mechanics of English correct spelling, grammar, word usage, capitalization, punctuation, etc. you might be surprised by how many errors youre making. Even professional writers see a mess of red ink when an editor has gone over their work. At the very least, hire a professional proofreader. Youd be surprised how affordable it is. I can introduce you to a very capable pro who charges less than $15 to proofread a two-page resume. Even tiny errors like bad punctuation can subtly detract from the intelligent, well educated impression you want to convey. 10. Smart management of your career timeline. Be strategic in your choices about how far back to go, whether to include months or just years, and what jobs to include or leave out. Notice that I havent emphasized the resumes appearance. Making it look eye-catching and attractive with tasteful use of color, shading, fonts and graphics (while following the advice in #7 above!) can be helpful, but the 10 factors above are more important. Follow every one of these resume writing tips if you want a strong resume that gives you the best shot at getting the interview! This article was originally published in October 2015 and has been updated for accuracy. 10 Resume Must-Haves TweetFor a great resume its important to include these 10 factors: 1. A clear focus on a specific role or type of job and how you are well qualified for it. 2. Emphasis on what you most want employers to remember about you the top reason(s) that make you stand out as the best person for the job. Think of these as your key selling points. 3. Accomplishments/results/impact. How did you make a difference for your past employers? Its not enough just to list your duties thats just a job description, and it wont sell you. 4. Skimmability. If a busy recruiter looks at your resume for just 10 seconds, what will they notice? Make sure your key selling points and other essential qualifications pop off the page. Formatting such as bullets and boldface type should be used judiciously to call attention to your most important messages. 5. Keywords. Find them by analyzing job postings. The most important keyword is your desired job title. Other important keywords are the most crucial qualifications for the job, such an MBA, channel marketing or JavaScript. 6. The right sections in the right order for your unique situation. Strategically choose to include the sections that work for you, in the order that works best for you. For example, if youre a recent graduate or seeking a role in the higher education field, then your Education section should probably be near the top. Formatting is especially important and tricky when youre revising your resume for a career change. The only required sections are Name, Contact Information and Experience. Additional sections to consider are: Summary, Core Competencies (or Expertise), Education, Skills (or Technical Skills), Awards, Affiliations, Volunteer Experience, Additional Experience, and Interests (if relevant and/or brand-enhancing). 7. Formatting that works well in Applicant Tracking Systems. An ATS is a system that reads resumes and uses the information to fill in a standardized candidate profile. It then scores the resume according to how well it matches the job opening. The profiles that score highestmaybe the top 10-15%may be read by human resources personnel to identify potential candidates. ATSs are easily confused and may jumble or reject your resume if you include unusual fonts or symbols, nonstandard section headings (like Relevant Roles instead of Experience), or place crucial information in headers, footers, text boxes or graphics, none of which will be read by an ATS. Dont use this kind of formatting. 8. Good, strong verbs, especially at the beginning of each bullet item in your Experience section. Heres a good list. 9. Clear, concise, correct writing. With so many other resumes in the running, a confusing or wordy one may end up being discarded to save time. As for the mechanics of English correct spelling, grammar, word usage, capitalization, punctuation, etc. you might be surprised by how many errors youre making. Even professional writers see a mess of red ink when an editor has gone over their work. At the very least, hire a professional proofreader. Youd be surprised how affordable it is. I can introduce you to a very capable pro who charges less than $15 to proofread a two-page resume. Even tiny errors like bad punctuation can subtly detract from the intelligent, well educated impression you want to convey. 10. Smart management of your career timeline. Be strategic in your choices about how far back to go, whether to include months or just years, and what jobs to include or leave out. Notice that I havent emphasized the resumes appearance. Making it look eye-catching and attractive with tasteful use of color, shading, fonts and graphics (while following the advice in #7 above!) can be helpful, but the 10 factors above are more important. Follow every one of these resume writing tips if you want a strong resume that gives you the best shot at getting the interview! This article was originally published in October 2015 and has been updated for accuracy.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Environmental Educator A Career For a Changing World

Environmental Educator A Career For a Changing World Source: CareerProNews Simply put, environmental educators are people who teach others about the environment. And since the environment is front page news these days, their career is experiencing renewed interest and big changes. Who exactly are environmental educators?   The North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) has about 20,000 members. The breakdown of NAAEEs membership is a good indication of what environmental educators are doing and where.   Brian Day, executive director of NAAEE, says: Probably about 15 to 20 percent are in the formal education system, with most of them teachers, some of them curriculum developers, some of them science or social studies educators who are overseeing parts of school systems.   Another 15 percent are in higher education. Day says that they could be teaching in places like the education or forestry departments of colleges and universities.   Then, about [another] half of our members are what I could call non-formal educators, Day continues. They work in nature centers, parks, aquariums, zoos, botanical gardens and a myriad of other places. And then the last segment works for government, and they can work at the national level like for the Department of the Environment or the [state], county or local level.   Moving to a holistic approach What people often mistake about environmental education is they think its advocacy in the classroom, and thats just dead wrong, says Day. Environmental education is helping students learn at any age learn how things work so they can make their own individual lifestyle choices and participate in public policy debate.   He explains that environmental education is a lot more than just science. Its how natural systems and living systems and human systems all interact, including the social dimension, the political perspective, the economic situation to why is there global warming, and where should our next energy come from. But if you dont bring the human dimension to it, then youre a scientist, not an environmental educator. Kristin Poppo is the head of graduate and professional studies at IslandWood, an innovation environmental facility on Bainbridge Island, Washington. She agrees that a holistic approach is important.   There definitely is a growing recognition that we really need to teach our children to care more about the world around them, she says. Our programs look at both community and environmental stewardship, and we try to connect those. So we want people who have that broad sense of caring about the world around them.   Poppo herself doesnt have a science background. Among her many degrees, she has a BA in philosophy and religion, a Master of Divinity, and a PhD in educational foundations.   A career path with a few challenges?   The largest number of environment educators work in informal settings, as Day indicates. Jobs in these places are often part time, often seasonal, and tend to pay less than jobs in formal education and with the government.   Environmental educators often start out in nonprofit organizations to build up experience for their resumes. It can take a little legwork to find these jobs. You have to look for organizations that employ environmental educators and find out if theyll be hiring in the near future. A diploma or degree from a college or university is usually the minimum requirement for an entry-level job, but this is where things get a little hazy because there really are no hard and fast rules about qualifications.   Although nonprofit organizations generally look for people with environment or science backgrounds, Kerri Lanaway says that theyll also consider individuals with arts, education or even communication backgrounds. Lanaway is the school programs coordinator for a Sierra Club chapter.   Chad Stevens is a city park ranger. His job has both environmental and enforcement components. Therefore, the minimum requirement is generally a two-year diploma in environmental science or a two-year diploma in policing and security, he says, adding that, a forestry or other related diploma or degree would also be considered.   In Stevens job, educating the public about the environment is just one of many responsibilities, and its a very informal one.   We do present programs to the public he explains, but more so, the education component involves brochure development and information dissemination.   The city where Stevens lives and works employs 10 park rangers and offers them a pretty good salary. So competition is fierce when a job is advertised. Stevens says that about 250 people may apply. And while some of the rangers use the job as a stepping stone to something else, Stevens says that some people do stay.   For most formal education and government jobs, a bachelors degree is typically the minimum requirement. But a masters degree or a PhD will move you up the ladder faster and earn you more money. Day says that about seven percent of NAAEEs members earn $90,000 per year or more, so its possible to earn a great salary if you get on that track.   But even in education and government, the nature of your degree is pretty much open. And this actually reflects an important trend in the whole environmental educator career scene.   A changing climate   Climate change is a reality, and the climate for environmental educators is changing along with it. IslandWood, the innovation environmental facility where Kristin Poppo works, is very much at the forefront of new trends. While offering innovative programs for children, adults, families, teachers and graduate students, IslandWood also takes pride in the fact that it pays its educators quite well.   Weve pretty much set a model for educating that is pretty exemplary, and so people are excited about being a part of our organization, says Poppo. But there are a lot of jobs out there in a lot of different areas. And we find that those of our students who are going into teaching, either in public or private schools, are in very high demand.   There are a few things that are happening right now that are very much changing the nature of environmental education and will cause quite a surge in the number of employers looking for environmental educators, adds Day. He explains that the NAAEE has just recently become the newest member of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), the organization i n charge of the professional accreditation process for schools, colleges and departments of education. We firmly believe that NCATE will formally adopt, based on guidelines weve already developed, standards for environmental education and how its to be taught at the university level, says Day. This means that individuals graduating from these institutions will be better qualified to work as environmental educators. At the same time, he continues, we have legislation introduced in Congress that will provide more money for training teachers in environmental education. And then we have real environmental problems that are getting global attention.   Day also mentions the fact that parents and teachers are becoming more aware that todays children, for many reasons, are disconnected from the natural world.   Its a wonderful time to be in this organization, he adds. Were at a place in human history where in the next generation we have to change everything that humans have done on the planet: economics, transportation, energy, the way we build buildings. We need to reconceive everything.   So, do you have a passion to get in on the action? Whatever type of environmental educator you want to be, theres a job somewhere for you. And since the requirements for this career are still developing, you can probably make your own unique career path to this line of work     North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE) Lots of information about standards, guidelines, initiatives, research and more   Career: Environmental Educators Career profile of an environmental educator provided by /profiles/careers/106513.html   IslandWood An innovative facility offering environmental programs Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window)Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window)