Thursday, March 12, 2020

7 Things Moms Who Feel Isolated Can Do to Beat Loneliness

7 Things Moms Who Feel Isolated Can Do to Beat Loneliness Its elend uncommon for new motzu sichs to feel isolated. Rather, a gamut of research suggests that many new moms experience feelings of isolation.After all, your body has undergone some serious changes that have affected you both physically and mentally. And the reality is that parenting isnt necessarily easy it can feel lonely figuring it all out for yourself (even if others do toss around a thousand unsolicited opinions on how to do it right).So how can you pull yourself out of this feeling of seclusion? Here are seven simple steps that can assuage your loneliness.1. Join social programs in your neighborhood.Consider joining local programs thatll connect you with others in your neighborhood. This might mean signing up to take some thrice-weekly yoga classes in town, or it may mean getting involved with the city council. Whatever you decide to explore, immerse yourself in your local environment.2. Talk to other new mothers i n your area.Chances are that, even if you feel alone, youre probably not the only other new mother in your area. So reach out to the other new mothers in your area to talk to as sounding boards for each other. If you dont know where to find them, ask around. You may be surprised by just how many people would be willing to help you.3. Join facebook inc communities for new mothers.There are tons of social media groups for new mothers, particularly on Facebook. Look into groups like New Moms, Moms-to-Be and Experienced Moms Support Group for Mothers New Mom Support Group and New Mom Advice Support Group. These, among others, boast thousands of other mothers looking for advice and support, just like you. Sharing your experiences with each other, and even lending help yourself, can be a really fulfilling experience.4. Take some time to bask in the isolation.If youre feeling alone, perhaps you want to take some time to bask in the isolation. Self-care practice is important, especially as a new mother. Take some time to be with yourself and ruminate on just how strong you are for being a mother and figuring out this whole parenting thing. Do something kind and positive for yourself that you enjoy doing in solitude, like taking time to catch up on a book you love or go for a cathartic walk.5. Surround yourself with close friends and family.The best way to pull yourself out of feelings of loneliness is to surround yourself with a support network like friends and family. If you need some help, ask for it. It doesnt make you weak to ask for assistance and, again, you may be surprised by how many people would be there for you.6. Talk to a therapist.If youre feeling like your loneliness is devolving into depression, or perhaps are already rooted in depression, you may want to seek out professional help. Reach out to therapists in your area to discuss your situation and figure out your next steps together. You may be experiencing postpartum depression, which is not uncomm on. You can learn more about it here.7. Talk to other mothers in the FGB Community.Dont forget that we at Fairygodboss are here for you, too As are all the other mothers who are part of this community of women who are rooting for each other. If you need advice or want to feel more connected to other people who understand where youre coming from, leave a post in the FGB Community and find the support you need.--AnnaMarie Houlis is a feminist, a freelance journalist and an adventure aficionado with an affinity for impulsive solo travel. She spends her days writing about womens empowerment from around the world. You can follow her work on her blog,, and follow her journeys on Instagram her_report,Twitterherreportand Facebook.

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